Monday, November 30, 2009

Lalita Sahasranama # 61


sudhayah sagaranam madhaye tistathi sa

She resides in the center of the oceans of nectar

The ocean is the one above in the heaven. The sruti declares, "the city is surrounded by nectar."Another one is in the place of bindu in the center of the moon in the pericarp of the thousand- petalled lotus. "In the city called, Aparajita (unconquered)to be attained with devotion by the Saguna Brahman, there are two ocean-like lake of nectar named ara and nyau respectively. Two more anavrittih,sabdat are dealt with in the commentary on the Vedanta-sutra of Vyasa. All these oceans (in all, five) are to be understood here - sudhasindhor madhye (sau.lah 8)

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Lalita Sahasranama # 60

60: Kadamavanavasini
Kadambanam vane vasati sa
She lives in the forest of Kadamba trees

The palace of Cintamani is surrounded by a gallery formed of gems (manimandapa), around which is the grove of kadamba trees, It is said in the Bhairavayamala, "the abode of bindu os the ocean of nectar, the five yonis, the five sakti angles of the SriChakra are the divine trees, there is the grove of nipa trees, within that is the gallery of gems, within which in turn is the palace of cintamani and so on."

In the puranas there is also a description which says,"there are Kadamba trees seven yojanas in height in the spaces between the walls of gold and silver."

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Lalitha Sahasranama # 59


Mahanti padmani yasyam atavyan tasyam samyak tistati

She dwells easily in the forest which is full of lotuses

The RdYml describing mahapadmatavi says, "surrounded by a forest of lotsuses, three lakhs of yojanas in extent. Another one is (on the meru). The LaStRtn, (slokas 106 to 108), "let us worship the forest of lotsuses which is....... etc."

Again the thousand -petalled lotus that is in the brahmarandhra is also called padmatavi. The SvchTan says, "Above that there is the kula lotus, thousand petal facing downward.....This known as the great lotus garden and above is the Samana. "For there is one form both for the body and for the Universe (Pindanda and Brahmanda)

Friday, November 27, 2009

Lalita Sahasranama # 58

pancabramhanam (=pancabhihbrahmabhih nirmitam) asanam tatra sthita

She is sitting about a seat formed by five brahmanas

Hence it is said, "There is the supreme house of Devi, built of cintamani stone, the great bed itself is Siva; the pillow the great Isana. On the beautiful couch, the mat is Sadasiva, the four supports are brahma, Hari, Rudra and Isana and the great Indra is the spittoon. On that bed reclines the greatest Isani, the Supreme Tripurasundari. The proper place of Brahma should be known from the Puranas.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Lalita Sahasranama # 57


cintamani ganaracitam yad grham tasyantah tistati sa
She resides in a house (built of) Cintamani stones

Cintamani is that jewel which yields all the objects desired. In the LaStRtn it is said, "may that house built of Cintamani stone which is on the northern side of Srngaravarna (on meru), where all the devas go to worship, remove all of my mental troubles (cinta). In the commentary of the GdSa the cintamani house is explained as the place of origin of all those mantras which bestow all desired objects (cintita) and its construction is described in detail.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Lalita Sahasranama # 56


Srimat yad nagaram tasya nayika

She is the queen of the beautiful (wealthy) City.

1) Cities are of two types, one of them is in the center peak of the Mount Meru. It is said in the LaStRtn, "I salute the city of Vidya 400 yojanas in circumference constructed by the celestial architect beautified with many walls". The second city is outside and beyond all the worlds in the island of gems (Ratnadvipa) in the middle of the ocean of nectar. The RdYml says, "outside and beyond the countless myriads of world systems, in the center of the ocean of nectar, more than a thousand crores in extent, in the gem island, a hundred crores in area, the lamp of the world, there is the supreme city of Srividya, 3 lakhs of Yojanas in height and adorned with 25 walls representing 25 tattvas.

2) The word Srimannagara also means SriChakra. The VisK says cakra means city, house, hamlet, town and abode. Also the commentator of the Sutra of Gaudapada interprets the word Sripura to mean SriChakra. One should not enter the city without knowing the rsi,"the city of the devas is impregnable"; "the city is surrounded by nectar, etc.". In this and other srutis, City means SriChakra

Monday, November 23, 2009

Lalita Sahasranama # 55


Sumeroh madhya srnge tistathi sa
She dwells on the middle peak of Mt. Sumeru

The word Sumeru also means beautiful mountains. On Meruparvata, there are three peaks ( looking like SivaTrikona) and in the center of the three peaks there is one more peak and that is the abode of Sri Lalita. In LaSt Rtn, it is said, "let the gold mountain, whose body is made up of the whole universe be victorious, filled by the music of the divine ladies living in the golden, creeper-bowers of the mountain peak; we salute the three peaks of it, which are the seats of Bramha, Visnu and Siva expanding to the four quarters of the globe. In the center of them there is another peak, 400 yojanas in height, beautifying the place by the golden rays of flowers and I worship it".

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Lalita Sahasranama # 54


1) Svasya adhinah vallabho yasya sa
she whose husband is entirely her own.

This name indicates that though the Devi is Iccha and other qualities she is never subject to Lord Kamesvara who possesses the qualities. The KalikaP says," there he resides for ever playing with Parvati, the house of Devi is in the center and Siva is subject to it".

Even the Agama says, "to her, through whom Siva is enabled to bestow happiness and salvation on mankind". The Skp also says, "O sages, Siva became the cause of the Universe, Devi is his Sakti, without her he is powerless". The SauLah says, "when Siva is united with Sakti, he is able to create, otherwise he is unable to move".

Svadhino Vallabho yasya sa

She by whom her husband is subjected

In the seventh book of the DeBhP, the story runs like this : The Asivinis made the husband of Sukanya, the daughter of Sayati, similar to themselves in form and asked her to pick him out. She then prayed to Devi, "O world mother, I am deeply afflicted and approach you for help. Help me in preserving my pativrata dharma. I worship thy feet. Thus praised, Devi Tripurasundari gave her wisdom by means of which Sukanya was able to identify her husband

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Lalita Sahasranama # 53


The beneficient

1) Sivasya iyam siva: She is the power of Siva. The word Siva is derived from vas meaning to desire. Hence, she herself is the desire of Siva. The SvAg explains the meaning of Siva thus" "who is a witness to the modifications (of the mind, who exists before the arising of such modification; who is present is present in every modification that is about to rise; who is the cause of the sensation, who is the support of all false and inner matter, who is consciousness itself; who is the beloved of all; who is bliss itself; who is the means of obtaining all; who is connected with all; the omnipresent is called Siva. The self shining pure being who is devoid of the distribution of Jiva, Isa etc is Siva.

2) Sivam Karoti
Because she does good, She is called Siva

3) Sete asmin sarvam
That in which everything rests

4) sivah gunah santi asyam
who possesses excellent qualities

5) Samayati
That which makes everything calm. As Bharta says, " Because he fulfills action (of men) intending their good (Siva) he is known as Siva. O, gods, the Danavas and the Devas are the same to me. I do good (Siva) to all beings. Hence I am known as Siva. Even Sruti says that the one who is the origin of all dwells in every womb, in whom all this is involved.

6) She is identical with Siva. As the LgP says, " As is Siva so is Devi, hence as the notions are the same, Devi is called Siva. In another place in the same book, it is said, "In reality there is no difference between Uma and Sankara; one has assumed 2 forms. There is no doubt about this. In SuSam it is said , "she is Siva, she is supreme Devi, one with Siva and the doer of good".

7) Siva may mean the wife of Vayu. The LgP says, " The great god Isana who pervades the whole universe the supporter of all beings is called Vayu, in his aspect as Wind God. His wife is called Siva. In the Vayu Purana, Vayu is also the fourth body of Isana, his wife is Siva and his son Manojava

8) Sivam Dadati iti
She who bestows salvation

It is said in the DvP, Siva is Salvation and she bestows salvation to Yogins. She works for god (Siva). Hence she is known as Siva

9) Men worship Devi to reach Siva. She is Siva. In the agamas, we read, "As heat is to Fire. light is to Sun and as moonlight is to the moon, so is Siva to Siva

Friday, November 20, 2009

Lalita Sahasranama # 52


sivascasau kamescasau isvarasca iti sivakamesvarah tasya anke tistati sa

She sits on the left thigh of Lord Sivakamesvara

The word kama can be interpreted in many ways

1) It means that which is desired or he who assumes any form at will. That is why this epithet is also applied to Manamatha (Kama). The KalikaP says, "In the world there is none like who, like you, is capable of assuming any form, hence O mind, born one (manmatha),you shall be known by the name Kama

2) Prajnanameva Kamah: Kama also means knowledge. Even sruti says, "what is called heart and the mind, are perceptions, command, understanding and knowledge, wisdom, seeing holding, thinking, considering, readiness, remembering, conceiving, willing,breathing, loving desiring, know, all these are various names of knowledge. Here in this sruti, Prajnana means Siva only. The SkandaP also supports this sruti.

3) The word Kama denotes the lord who desires to create the universe as Sruti says, "in the very beginning there was atman only and he desired." Hence the word Kama here, does not mean Rudra or Manmatha

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Lalita Sahasranama # 51


Sarvaih abharanaih bhusita

She is decorated with all types of ornaments

She is adorned with all those ornaments described in the KaliP. The KaliP describes 40 jewels from the crest jewel to the ring of the feet. The Kalpa Sastras of Parasurama,Khanda details about more ornaments

The names Mahalavanya sevadhih, sarvaruna, anavadyangi,Sarvabaranabhusita describes the glorious state of Sri Devi

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Lalita Sahasranama # 50


anvadyani angani yasyah sa

All of whose limbs are flawless

All her limbs are in perfect shape as per the specifications and descriptions found in the Samudrika -Sastra

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Lalita Sahasranama # 49


sarvamesvarunam yasyah sa

Each and Everything (i.e., clothes, ornaments, flowers, and beauty) of the goddess is RED in color

Monday, November 16, 2009

Lalita Sahasranama # 48


mahato lavanya sevadih

She is the treasure of great beauty

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Lalita Sahasranama # 47


marali in a manda gamanam yasyah sa

She whose gait is languid like that of a female swan

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Lalita Sahasranama # 46


Sinjanah manayo yayoh, tabhyam manjirabhyam mundita

Srih yayoh tadrse padambuje yasyah sa

Her lotus like feet which are adorned with jewelled anklets produce melodious sounds

Friday, November 13, 2009

Lalita Sahasranama # 45


padaddvyasya prabhajalena prakrte saroruhe yasyah sa

The beauty of her two feet put the lotuses to shame.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Lalita Sahasranama # 44


nakhanam didhitibhih samyak channo namatam jananam tamogunah yasyah sa

The radiance of her nails veils the ignorance (in the form of darkness) of those people who reverently bow down (at her feet)

Reference Matsya Purana and Padma P, Narada interprets the birth (bodily) marks of Parvati to her mother Mena: "a husband is yet to be born for her. O lady! she will be devoid of good bodily marks ( because she is an unconditioned one) and she will always have her hand raised. An her feet will err by her own shadow. What more should be said? Himavan hearing these (bad) marks addresses Narada with sorrow for which Narada says, "when you have an occasion for great joy why should you manifest sorrow? O Great mountain! you are bewildered because you did not understand my speech". After explaining the meaning of "no husband is born yet" etc., he says I will explain what I mean by saying her feet will err by their own shadow. O the best of Mountains, Her feet are like lotuses, shining with bright nails. When the Devas and Asura prostrate before her the various colors of their jeweled crowns will drive away the rays of her nails which entering their hearts will dispel their tamas quality.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Lalita Sahasranama # 43


Kurmayoh prsthe jayate iti kurmaprstajayisnuni ye prapade tabhyam anvite

Her arches of two feet are more shapely and convex than the back (shell) of the tortoise

The names #s 41, 42, and 43 denotes features as given in the Samudrika sastra

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Lalita Sahasranama # 42


Gudhau gulpahu yasyah sa

She is endowed with rounded ankles.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Lalita Sahasranama # 41


indragopaih paritah ksiptau yau smarasya tunau tabhyam tulye janghike yasya sa

She whose legs are like quivers of love-god which are decorated with Indragopa (snail)

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Lalita Sahasranama # 40


manikyamukutamvakaro yayoh, tadrsena janudvayena virajita

She is adorned with two knees which are like crowns of precious jewels

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Lalita Sahasranama # 39


kamesenaiva jnate saubagyamardave yayoh tayoh tadrsena urudvayena anvita

The beauty and smoothness of her thighs are known only to Kamesa

Friday, November 6, 2009

Lalita Sahasranama 38


Ratnyamayibih kinkinibih ramyena rasnabhinnena damna bhusita

She is adorned with a golden belt beautiful with jeweled bells.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Lalita Sahasranama # 37


arunarunam ca kausumbam ca yadvastram tena basvati katyah tati yasyah sa

She whose waist is resplendent with a very red cloth (i.e., Sari)

Arunavad arunam = arunarunam

The word arunaruna also means the cloth which is as red as aruna (the charioteer of the Sun)

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Lalita Sahasranama #36


Stanoyohrbharena dalat iva madhyasya pattabandhah valitrayam yasyah sa

The three folds on her belly form the belt which supports her waist because of the burden of her breasts.

I guess those tiers are for that reason, she must be at least a size 10? and a beautiful size 10 at that!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Lalita Sahasranama # 35


laksaya ya romalatadharata taya samyagunneyam madhyamam yasya sa

Her (slim) waist can be judged only from the line of creeper-like hair.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Lalita Sahasranama # 34


Nabhih eva alvalah yasyah sa, tadrsa romalireva latah, tasyah phalabhuta kucadvayi yasyah Sa

She whose breasts are as if two fruits on the creeper-like hairline which comes out from the navel which forms its basin.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Lalita Sahasranama # 33


Kamesvarasya premaiva ratnamanih, lasya pratipanabhutau stanau yasyah sa.

She whose two breasts are exchanged for the precious gem in the form of love of Kamesvara.