antarena rahita
She is without break or difference. Antara means end of difference, etc
The reason I decided to embark on this journey of understanding the meaning of the Lalita Sahasranama was to enable me the catch the nuances of what each word meant. I bought this book written by LM Joshi which I am using besides I write about my experience or my feelings on that day
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Lalita Sahasranama # 150
1) Nirgatam avadyma ( - garhyam) yasyah sa
Who is Blameless
Avadya means blame produced due to modification of he neiscence.
2) nirgatah (bhaktah) avadyat ( = narakat) yasyah prasadat sa
Avadya means a type of hell. By the grace of the Goddess, devotees escape from that hell.
1) Nirgatam avadyma ( - garhyam) yasyah sa
Who is Blameless
Avadya means blame produced due to modification of he neiscence.
2) nirgatah (bhaktah) avadyat ( = narakat) yasyah prasadat sa
Avadya means a type of hell. By the grace of the Goddess, devotees escape from that hell.
Friday, February 26, 2010
Lalita Sahasranama # 149
She is ever wise. To correlate the sruti, she is in the form of cit itself. She is eternally wise.
Or, Suddhananda and Buddha may apply to the two tirthankaras of Jainas who have become immortal (i.e., nityas) by the grace of Devi. Their goddess Tara, was worshipped by these two
She is ever wise. To correlate the sruti, she is in the form of cit itself. She is eternally wise.
Or, Suddhananda and Buddha may apply to the two tirthankaras of Jainas who have become immortal (i.e., nityas) by the grace of Devi. Their goddess Tara, was worshipped by these two
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Lalita Sahasranama # 148
nityam suddha
She is eternally pure. She is always (in the past, present and future) without blemish.
nityam suddha
She is eternally pure. She is always (in the past, present and future) without blemish.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Lalita Sahasranama # 147
nirgatah asrayah yasyah sa
She is without body. She is asraya of all. She depends on none
nirgatah asrayah yasyah sa
She is without body. She is asraya of all. She depends on none
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Lalita Sahasranama # 146
nirgatah prapancah yasyah sa
She who is without expansion
Prapanca means expansion, accumulation. She is beyond the manifold, extended phenomena of the world
nirgatah prapancah yasyah sa
She who is without expansion
Prapanca means expansion, accumulation. She is beyond the manifold, extended phenomena of the world
Monday, February 22, 2010
Lalita Sahasranama # 145
nirgatah vikarah ( = samkhye prasiddah) yasyah
She who is free from changes
The word vikara means twenty-three categories of samkhyas
nirgatah vikarah ( = samkhye prasiddah) yasyah
She who is free from changes
The word vikara means twenty-three categories of samkhyas
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Lalita Sahasranama # 144
1) Nityam Yatha tatha mukta
As she is eternal She is ever free
2) nityam mukta yasyah bhaktah sa
She whose devotees are ever free
3) nityam muncati (=mucyate va) ( = nityamuktasya bhavah) tattva
She who always makes herself free. Or, She is of the nature of Salvation
1) Nityam Yatha tatha mukta
As she is eternal She is ever free
2) nityam mukta yasyah bhaktah sa
She whose devotees are ever free
3) nityam muncati (=mucyate va) ( = nityamuktasya bhavah) tattva
She who always makes herself free. Or, She is of the nature of Salvation
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Lalita Sahasranama # 143
1) Nirgatah upaplavah (=nasah) yasyah
Who is without destruction
2) nihsesena (=atisayena) upa (=samipe) eva (=pindanda eva) plavo (=amrtasravanam) yaya sa
According to this interpretation nir=much, upa=near., in the body, plava = flowing (of the nectar). So the name means by whom the abundant flowing of the nectar flows in the body.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Lalita Sahasranama # 142
1) nirgatah kamah (=iccha) yasyah s
She who is free from all desires
2) niskam amati (=gacchati) sa
One who puts on golden necklace
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Lalita Sahasranama # 141
1) Samavati ya sa
She who is tranquil
2) Sakara anto yasya, tadrupa
She is of that form at the end of which letter sa occurs. i.e., the Amrtabija mantra
3) asanta iti va
- reaching to the end of the quarters, i.e., she is all pervading
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Lalita Sahasranama # 140
nirgata kala (= amsa vastavika) yasyah sa
She who is not a unit of real parts
The theory of those who say Brahman has parts is rejected. The sruti and smrti are not contradictory as there the parts are merely attributed.
Niskala may mean the meditation on Brahman or, that the goddess is also without qualities.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Lalita Sahasranama # 139
navidyate gunah yasyam sa
She who is free from qualities. The qualities are connected with the body; hence they are absent in what belongs to consciousness (cit).
Monday, February 15, 2010
Lalita Sahasranama # 138
1) nirgata akulata yasyah
Who is far from agitation. Though accompanied by avidya, she is not agitated. Or, she is far (nir) from the agitated ones.
2) Akulatvam may means void. She is far from void.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Lalita Sahasranama # 137
na vidyate akarah yasyah sa
She who is formless
The view of the Madhyamika Baudhas (who belong to sakaravijnanavada, i.e., idealism) is refuted. According to them everything has form.
Akara means the form to which the qualities are attributed, and which is not real
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Lalita Sahasranama # 136
1) The eternal one
She is called so because temporal stages like past, present and future are inapplicable to Her. She is beyond the three dimensions of time ( though impurities are not eternal, their ruler is so)
2) Nitya means the deities of fortnights or time or the nitya mantra.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Lalita Sahasranama # 135
nirgatah malah yasyah sa
She is without spots
Mala may mean embodied soul. She is without that soul (i.e., upadhiyukta atma). Avidya is also called mala which is the cause of impurity, darkness and confusion.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Lalita Sahasranama # 134
1) Lepat (karma-sambandhaena lepah, tasmat) niskasita
Freed from impurity. She is called so because she is free from impurity of destruction (pralayakala). Impurity arises from action
2) nirgatah (=jnanena) lepah (=karmasambhandhah) yasyah sa
She, by whose knowledge the impurity runs away.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Lalita Sahasranama # 133
1) nirgatam anjanam (=kalima) yasyah sa
She who is without stain. She is called so because she is free from the impurity of the third soul (viz., sakala) described above. Free from maya.
2) nitaram ranjanam (ragah raktima santosanam sa) yasyam
She who is full of redness or joy, (ni = much, ranjana = redness or joy)
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Lalita Sahasranama # 132
1) nirgatah adharah (=adhistanantaram) yasyah sa
Who has no other support
In the real sense She has no other support as She is the support of the whole Universe.
2) adharat niskranta
who has come out from the support ( i.e., base or muladhara). The upasargas are used in the sense of movement (krantyarthe)
3) she is the form of worship called niradhara which is explained in the SuSam. Of the external and internal worship, the internal worship is of two kinds, sadhara and niradhara. Of them, the niradhara worship is without form.
In some of the names that follow the text puts before us the nature of pure intellect, which is the object of the niradhara worship. The nature of the pure worship is described here by assertion, negation, positive definition and elimination of attributes. Then the means of obtaining it (i.e., Pure Intellect) and the real nature of the results thereby produced is described.
There are three types of ignorant souls (pasus). The first is the vijnanakevala, he who sees self in the non-self and therefore has impurity alone; the second is the pralayakala who has the impurity of karma which is imperceivable and which gives him a new body and the last sakala has the impurity of maya which creates the idea of duality. Of these, the second has the impurity of the first and in the third, impurity of the second.
Monday, February 8, 2010
Lalita Sahasranama # 131
santih asya astiti
She is full of peace. As she never behaves in a rough manner with her devotees. She is called Santimati
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Lalita Sahasranama # 130
satam (=krsam) udaram yasyah sa
She who has a slender belly
The word sata means slender according to the grammatical sutra, 'so tanukarane'
Or, the word may mean the daughter of Himalaya who has hundreds of caves (satodara) satodarasya apyatyam stri like Haimavati form Himavan
Lalita Sahasranama # 129
Sarat (=saratkalikena) candrena nibham (=tulyam) ananam yasyah sa
Whose face is like the autumnal moon. Her face is as charming as the autumnal moon.
Friday, February 5, 2010
Lalita Sahasranama # 128
Sadhvi (Pativrata)
She is Chaste. At all times ( i.e., past, present and future)
She is attached to Her husband only. And so she is chaste
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Lalita Sahasranama # 127
1) Karotiti kari sriyah kari (=srikari)
She who confers prosperity
2) Srikarah (=visnu) tasyeyam srikari
Wife of Visnu
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Lalita Sahasranama # 126
1) sam karoiti sankarah, tasya stri sankari
The wife of Sankara who brings benevolence. Or, Sam (sukhasya) karah tasya stri
2) Sankare yasya va sankaraha tasya stri sankari
Wife of that (i.e., Sankara) in whose hand lies happiness
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Lalita Sahasranama # 125
sarmam(=sukham) datum silamasyah (=sarmam dadati sa)
She who confers happiness
The word sarma means happiness. She always bestows happiness on her devotees
Monday, February 1, 2010
Lalita Sahasranama # 124
sarvasya stri
wife of Sarva (i.e., Siva)
Siva is called Sarva in his earth form; by grammatical law in the sense of wife,rigis and anukagama take place and sarva becomes Sarvani
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