varunapriyatvat varuni = kharjurisamaudhbhavo rasah), tasya madena (=panajanyanandena) vihvala (=bahyapadarthavismarana sila)
She who is intoxicated with the date wine
Vihvala = she forgets. She forgets all the external objects and enjoys the internal highest bliss
2) Varunasyeyam varuni (= sasyatiti) = varuniman (sahasraphanah sesah) tadvadavihvala
According to this interpretation, varuni =belonging to the region of Varuna, i.e., Anantanaga (Sesa). She like him is avihvala, not agitated. Just as Varuniman( Sesa) perpetually holds the world without agitation, She is not agitated with her functions
3) varunimantah avihvala yaya sa
Here the word varuni means varuni nadi (by knowing which the devotee reaches the thousand - petaled Lotus and after that becomes completely lost to all external experiences. Hence Varunimantah means who has encountered the varuninadi and become firm (i.e., avihvala) So the name means, by whose grace the person who has conquered varuninadi becomes firm