1)pancakosanam antare (=madhye) sthita
She resides in the core of the five kosas (Sheaths)
These pancakosas are explained thus: Pancakapuja is an act of devotion in the worship of the Sriyantra. Therein five formulas are to be used and there are five deities. These formulas (i.e., mantras) are identical with deities. Hence they are pancakosas, viz., the Srividya taking bindu at center, Paramjyoti, Niskalasambhavi, Ajapa, and Matrka. Among these, except Srividya, the remaining four are worshiped individually and collectively in srsti-cakra, etc. The Srividya is in the center. Thus the Goddess is in the midst of these kosas.
2) pancanam annamayadinam kosanam antare (=madhye anandamaya kose abhedena) sthita.
She resides as (the anandamayakosa) the innermost kosa among the five kosas.
In our body, there are five sheaths - annamaya, pranamaya, manomaya, vijnanamaya, and anandamaya. She is called the fifth kosa anandamaya.
But according to Sankaracarya, anandamaya kosa is not Brahman nd it is enveloped by annamaya, etc. In that case the anandamaya is in the form of citsakti which is the body of Brahman, who is prakasa itself.
In view that Brahman is the support of the anandamaya (pucchabrahmapaksa) name would mean She is in the center of these five sheaths.