Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Lalita Sahasranama # 8

The description about her continues:


Raga eva svam roopam yesya sa = Ragasvarupah , sa casau, tena adya

Means holding a noose of desire

The word Raga, i.e., Desire means a particular mental modification

There are three forms of the devi: 1) Sthula = physical 2) Suksma= Subtle 3) Para= The supreme

In the mahalakshmyaastakam - Stulasuksma maha raudrae, mahasaktirmahodara

Desire is the supreme form and the noose is the gross form. This noose is held in her lower left hand out of the four hands that she is said to have - chaturbahusamanvita (#7)

She probably uses the noose to bring folks closer to her and for them to meditate on their reason for life, and one needs to be desire -less to become "totally" free. To say I have no problems in this world is possible ONLY when you have no desires at all! The minute you start to desire anything the karma theory holds are accruing karma which keeps making you go round and round.

I need to surrender to thee and I do so with utter humility for I know not what I am doing...well its all your doing anyway!

In Lalita

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