Monday, May 31, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 245

cakrarajameva niketanam yasyah sa
She whose dwelling place is Cakraraja i.e., Sriccakra

The word cakraraja means sricakra consisting of the nine cakras (Trailokyamohana, etc.)

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 243


caruyah chandrakalayah dhara (=dharyitri)
She is placing a beautiful crescent (on her head)

The word caru indicates never waxing or waning (vrddhiksaya rahita)
Candrakala may mean sadakhya-kala which is of the nature of pure consciousness.

The word candrakala may also mean the princess named candrakala, famous in DvBh. Here the word caru means rightly and dhara means 'supports'. Thus the name means she who rightly supports candrakala.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 242


caruh haso yasyah sa

whose laughter is also beautiful
Her laughter causes the illumination that gives the highest bliss to a sadhaka.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 241


Caru (=sundaram) rupam (lavanyam) yasyah sa
She who is of exquisite beauty

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 240


1) candramandalasya madhyam gacchatti sa
She who rests in the orb of the moon

She is called so because when kundalini rises in the pericarp of the sahasrara, She breaks through the moon's disc.

2) She actually worshipped and meditated upon in the moon's disc in special prayoga to increase the life span.
3) The secret meaning of the moon is sri-cakra itself.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 239

She who is the subject of the holy formula used by Candra in his meditation.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 238

She is so called because Srividya is differentiated into twelve kinds by ardent devotees of the Goddess. These twelve devotees, whose name are associated with worship are Manu, Candra, Kubera, Lopamudra, Manmatha, Agastya, Agni, Surya, Indra, Skanda, Siva and Durvasa.

She is called Manu-Vidya , i.e, mantra used in worship by Manu.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 237

1) Mahadbhih catuh sastiyoginisu (=amsabhutah) ye kotisamkya ka gamah, taih sevita
She who is attended upon by sixty-four crores of great hosts of yoginis.

Catusastikotiyoginigana= the eight divinities beginning with Bramhani. Each has eight saktis (powers) (Aksobhya, etc)which make up the sixty-four yoginis. Each of the sixty-four yoginis has a crore of hosts. Hence these hosts are sixty-four crores in number.

2) Acc. to TanRaj thse are the 64 yoginis of the nine cakras of Lalita (Trilokyamohana, etc). Among these are the prakata, gupta, guptatara, kulottirna, nigharba, rahasya, atirahasya, paraparatirahsya.

The word mahat means nine times multiplied.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 236

1) catuh sastikalah tanmayi (=tatpradhana)
She is endowed with sixty-four kalas (arts)
The word kala means tantra, i.e., the sixty four tantras laid down in various texts

Friday, May 21, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 235

catusastya upacaraih adhya
who is adored by sixty four ingredients.

The sixty-four ingredients are mentioned uin Prklsu. Some tantras describe 72 ingredients

Lalita Sahasranama # 234

mahati ca sasau tripurasundari ca
She who is of excellent beauty and of the nature of the threefold concept - of cognizer, cognition and what is cognized. She is fancied as a three walled city having the same cit as content

Lalita Sahasranama # 233


mahatah kamesasya mahisi (=krtabhishekapatni)
The queen of great Kamesa (Parasiva)
Kamesa = Parasiva who has a great desire for creation, sustenance, and dissolution of the Universe.

Lalita Sahasranama # 232


mahesvarasya mahakalpe yat mahatandavam tasya saksini

The witness of the tremendously violent dance of Mahesvara at the close of the great cycle of creation.

The word Mahakalpa means the great dissolution, i.e., Pralaya
Saksini - She is called the witness because when the whole universe is dissolved into its cause, the self alone remains. Then the cosmic dance begins and there is no other witness except herself.

Lalita Sahasranama # 231


mahabhairavena (=parasivena) pujita
She who is worshipped by Mahabhairava
The word Mahabhairava means the Parasiva. He is called great bhairava because he nourishes (bha-bharana), destroys (ra=ramana)and creates (vamana lit., to vomit). He is the source of all the three actions of the Universe.Hence he is great and the goddess is worshipped by such Mahabhairava. Mahabhairava is otherwise called as Mahasambhu, who invoked the Goddess from the altar fire of cidagni.

Lalita Sahasranama # 230


1) mahayagah sa eva kramah - mahayagakramah, tena aradhya

She who is properly worshipped by the method of mahayaga.

The word mahayaga is a Tantric term. It means the worship of sixty-four yoginis by giving them oblations to them. These sixty -four yoginis are considered to be the part of Brahmi, etc.

Krama = worshipping sixty four yoginis (i.e., in the proper method), as they confer quick results whereas others cause delay.

2) The word mahayaga would also mean the occult meditation, as it is explained in the Bhavanopanishad. The Mahayaga is most secret and it is to be accomplished by sivayogins alone

Lalita Sahasranama # 229


mahad asanam yasyah sa
she whose seat is the highest

She is called so because She dwells in all the tattvas (thirty-six in number) beginning with the earth. So all the tattvas constitute Her great seat.

Lalita Sahasranama # 228


1) mahanti yantrani yasyah sa
Whose yantras are great.

The word yantra refers to the cakras- pajacakra, padmacakras, amrtacakra and merucakra, etc.

2) mahat (=sarvottamam) yantram (=siddhi vajrakhyam) yasyah sa
The word also means siddhivajra cakra which is considered as the best yantra of the goddess.

Lalita Sahasranama # 227


1) Mahantah mantrah yasyah sa
She whose mantras are great.

The word mantra stands for the mantras like Bala, Bagala, Dhumavati and others.

2) The word mantra also refers to the Srividya, i.e., Pancadasaksari

Lalita Sahasranama # 226


Mahanti tantrani yasyah sa
She whose tantras are great. Tantras are called great because they bring many good results.

The word tantra also means the tantra called svatantra which teaches the equivalence of Shiva and Sakti. The svantantra is called so because it is not dependent on any other tantra

Lalita Sahasranama # 225


mahatam yoginam isvarah = mahayogesvarah, tasya isvari= mahayogesvaresvari or mahatam yogesvaranam isvari

She is the Supreme ruler of the great yogis who themselves are kings among great yogis. Hence, she is the supreme ruler.

Lalita Sahasranama # 224


1) Mahati casau siddhisca

She is the highest attainment
When one reaches the goddess, all other attainments become trivial for him as she is the highest attainment.

2) mahan siddhih yasyah (sakasat) iti
She gives attainment to the devotee.
The word siddi means the siddhis like anima, laghima, etc., and others described in Skanda Purana

Lalita Sahasranama # 223


1) Mahati ca asau buddhisca

She is the great intelligence
She is so called because when one knows Her, for him, nothing remains to be known.

2) Mahati buddhih (sakasat) iti
That is, from Her, one gets the highest intelligence

Even an ignorant person becomes a great scholar by her grace.

Lalita Sahasranama # 222

mahanti balani (=gandhadini) yasyah sa
She whose might(power) is great.
Hence her smell, taste, form, army, etc are great.

Lalita Sahasranama # 221

mahanti virayani (=sukradini) yasyah sa
she whose vigor is supreme

The word Virya has many meanings such as semen, might, glory and strength. In the present context, the word means strength or valor to cause effect, i.e., the Universe.

Lalita Sahasranama # 220


mahad aisvaryam (tsvarata) yasyah sa
She whose godliness is great.

The word aisvarya means godliness (rulership) and her power to become many (vibhuti sakti)

Lalita Sahasranama # 219


1) Mahan abhogah (=ksitayadirupovistarah) yasah sa
Whose expanse is very vast.
Abhoga means the great expanse including the entire universe down to the earth

2) mahan bhogah (=sukham) asti asyah
Whose happiness (i.e., Joy) is great

or the word bhoga may mean with wealth (i.e., Dhanam). She is so-called because bhoga, i.e., Her experience gives supreme happiness which cannot be measured.

Lalita Sahasranama # 218

mahati ratih yasyam sa
She who herself has boundless delight.
She is called so because devotees, scholars and sages find more delight in her than in material things.
Or the name may mean the wife of Mahakama.

Lalita Sahasranama # 217


mahati (=vistrta) saktih (=samarthyam) yasyah sa
Who is endowed with great valour. She is called so because she manages the whole universe.

The word sakti may mean weapon. As she possesses the most potent weapons to kill the demons and evils, she is called Mahasaktih.

Lalita Sahasranama # 216


mahanti sattvani yasyah sa
Who is possessed of the highest existence
The word sattva means existence. Hence she has the highest existence or the highest qualities worthy of worship

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 215


mahati casau maya ca

She who causes great delusion or she who is the great delusion herself.

She is called so because she causes delusions for brahmanas and scholars.
or it may mean pride and compassion or grace. So she is full of compassion. (i.e., krpa)

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 214


mahanti patakani nasayati sa

She who destroys great sins.

Mahapatake refers to the slaying of brahmanas, etc., She also removes the evil effect of great sins committed by persons knowingly or unknowingly.