Sunday, January 30, 2011

Lalita Sahasranama # 489


aksamala adih yesam tesam ayudhanam dhara

She who wields weapons like aksamala, etc.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Lalita Sahasranama # 488


damstrabhih ujjvala

Shining with tusks (like that of a boar)

Friday, January 28, 2011

Lalita Sahasranama # 487


vadanayoh dvayam yasyah sa

She who has two faces

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Lalita Sahasranama # 486


1) syama abha yasyah sa
Who is dark complexion

2) syama (=sodasarvasiki), taya tulya abha yasyah sa

She who appears like a damsel of sixteen years.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Lalita Sahasranama # 485


anahatabjam (tatkarnika) eva nilayah yasyah sa

She who abides in the anahata lotus (center)

Anahata center is located in the heart which has twelve petals, exposing the first twelve consonants (ik to it)

Here resides yogini called Rakini

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Lalita Sahasranama # 484


She is the ruler named as Dakini

She who is described from name no 375 upto no 483 (Kamapujita to Amrtadimahasaktisamvrta)

Monday, January 24, 2011

Lalita Sahasranama # 483


amrtakhya (saktih) adih yasam, tabhih (sodasabhih) mahasaktibhih samvrta
She is surrounded by Mahasaktis beginning with Amrta, etc.

In Visuddhi - Cakra, there are sixteen petals, and there are sixteen great saktis from Amrta to Aksara who are seated on each of these petals

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Lalita Sahasranama # 482


pasavah(=advaitavidyavihinah) te eva lokah, tesam bhayamkari

She who creates fear in those who are ignorant of the true identity of soul and god.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Lalita Sahasranama # 481


tvaci (dhatau)tisthati iti
She who presides over the organ of touch, i.e., skin.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Lalita Sahasranama # 480


payasasca tadannam ca, tat priyam yasyah ca
She who likes food prepared with milk.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Lalita Sahasranama # 479

ekena vadanena samanvita
Having one face

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Lalita Sahasranama # 478


khatvangam adi yesam (caturnam) madhye, tani praharanani yasyah sa
Who holds the weapons like the club etc.

The word khatvanga means a bed post or a rod with a skull top. Sword, trident and shield(camara) as Her other weapons.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Lalita Sahasranama # 477


tini locanani yasyah sa
The three-eyed one. She, as the Dakini, has three eyes.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Lalita Sahasranama # 476


araktah varnah yasyah sa

Whose complexion is reddish. Dakini is reddish in complexion

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Lalita Sahasranama # 475


visuddhicakram eva nilayo yasyah sa
Who dwells in the Visuddhicakra.

Hereafter the Goddess is praised by Sixty-two names following the order of yogininyasa under the forms of the seven yogini deities who preside over the seven cakras and whose name begin with the letters, da, ra, la,ka, sa, ha and ya respectively.

Her abode in Visuddhicakra is in the pericarp of the sixteen-petaled lotus, where she is worshiped as Dakiniyogini.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Lalita Sahasranama # 474


yasah asyam asti iti
She who is famous

She is famous for Her innumerable and incomparable deeds.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Lalita Sahasranama # 473


The mother of siddhas

As she is the protector of all seekers of the Divine Reality, She is called Siddhamata.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Lalita Sahasranama # 472

siddha ca sa vidya ca
she is the eternal knowledge

The word siddhavidya refers to the Srividya, viz., Pancadasi mantra which itself is eternal. Hence it needs no purification

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Lalita Sahasranama # 471


She is the queen of siddhas.
The siddhas are goraksa, etc
She is famous by this name in Varanasi

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Lalita Sahasranama # 470

vayasam avasthabhih vivarjita
She is devoid of different states of age or life
As She is eternal, She is exempted from the States of childhood,boyhood,youth,etc.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Lalita Sahasranama # 469


1) vamo (=vananiyo) devah, tasyeyam vamadevi
She is the wife of Vamadeva

The word vama according to this interpretation , means 'to be worshiped'

2) Vamena (bhagena) divayati iti, vamadeva, tadabhinna
One who shines by the left side. The form 'ardhanarisvara' is referred here.

3) vamadeva (=sadasiva vyuhantargatah murti visesah) tasyeyam
She is the wife of Vamadeva who is one of the forms, vyuha of Sadasiva as described in SivP

4) vama (sundari) ca sa devi ca
She who is beautiful Goddess

5) vamanam (=karmaphalanam) devi (=adhisthatri)
She is the main Goddess of fruits of actions

6) vamanam (=vamacare ratanam) devi
She who is the Goddess of followers of Vamacara

This is because the KalikaP says that the worshiper ever devoted to that path is called vama.

7) The Goddess is called Vamadevi because she is pleased with the path (the vamamarga)

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Lalita Sahasranama # 468


1) This is the name of the sixth Nitya deity or Goddess worshiped in the shrine of Jalandhara.

2) Vajra is the river situated between the eleventh and twelfth wall of Sricakra

3) The Goddess Herself gave the vajra to Indra. Hence, she is called Vajrasvari.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Lalita Sahasranama # 467


1) suksmam rupam asti asyah
Who has subtle form

2)Suksma also is the name of a particular homa, as it is described in TanRaj. She is of that form.

This name directly refers to second of the Goddess' three forms, sthula, suksma and para.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Lalita Sahasranama # 466

(parmesvarau srstyaunmukhyena) ksobhayatiti

Causing agitation. She who agitates prakrti and purusa to create.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Lalita Sahasranama # 465

kantih asyah asti iti
She is full of effulgence.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Lalita Sahasranama # 464


1) kalah kantha yasya=kalakanthah tasyeyam kalakanthi
She is the wife of Kalaknatha(Siva)
Kalakantha is the name of Lord Siva his kantha is black with poison. According to DvP, of the sixty-eight sacred places, kalakanjana is the place where Kalakantha is worshiped.

2) kalah (=madhuro dhavanih) eva kalah, kalah kanthe yasyah sa.
According to this interpretation, kala means soft low sound and kantha means voice. Hence, whose voice is soft and sweet.

3) Kalakanthi here also means the deity created by lord Siva along with Kali and Kapardini to kill Darukasura.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Lalita Sahasranama # 463


suranam nayika

The queen of gods.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Lalita Sahasranama # 462


The beautiful one.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Lalita Sahasranama # 461


sobane bhruvau yasyah sa

She who has fine eyebrows

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Lalita Sahasranama # 460



She is called so because She has a lotus-like face, eyes, feet etc. Or of the form of Ganga. She is also called Nalini because King Nala worshiped Her with unsurpassing devotion, identifying himself with Her at heart.