Friday, December 31, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 459


1) sobhanam mukham yasyah sa

She whose face is beautiful.

Divine knowledge has enhanced the beauty of Her face.

2) Sumukhi is the name of the deity that is to be worshiped as a subsidiary deity while reciting Sodasi mantra.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 458


malayacale vasati iti tath
She who dwells on the Malayacala. There She is called Bhagavati.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 457


1) The mother

As she is the creator of all, she is of the form of Matrka.

2) Mata is the name of the mantra of the Deity Nitya of the tenth day of the lunar fortnight.

3) According to PdmP, Mata is the deity of Kayavarohana place.

4) Mata is the name of laksmibija. She is of that form.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 456

1) hamsah (=yati visesah) asyam abhedena santi iti
Hamsas are a particular kind of samnyasins.
Here the Goddess is identified with them

2) hamsah (=ajapamantrah) asti asyah
Hamsa represents a particular mantra inaudible to others. She is of that form.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 455


mala asti asyah
She who wears garlands

Or, Malini is also called Deity representing the garland of fifty-one syllables (matrkas)
Or Malini is the name of the friend of the Goddess
Or Malini is the name of a certain metre.
Or Malini is the name of the river Mandakini.
A seven year-old girl is also called Malini

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 454


1) lolaksinam yah kamah, rupini sa
She is in the form of the kama of beautiful women.
2) She is in the form of Yogesvari, the Deity of Desire.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 453


trini (=somasuryagnirupani) nayanani yasyah sa
She who has three eyes.

Her three eyes are the Sun, the moon and the fire. The trinayana is also used for vausat by which gods are to be invoked.

2) trini (pratyaksanumanasabdarupani) nayani (=pramanani yasyah)

The word nayana may secondarily mean, means of knowledge, i.e., pramana. This the trinayana, according to this interpretation would mean the three modes of knowledge - holy word (srti) perception (pratyaksa) and reasoning( anumana)

Or tri means three and naya path, i.e., She leads those who are entitled to the three paths. e these three paths are south, north and the path of Brahman.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 452


tejah asti asyam
She is possessed of effulgence.

This is because she is the supporter of the sun and the moon.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 451

vighanan nasayati iti
She who is the remover of obstacles.

She removes all obstacles in the path of attaining the highest knowledge.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 450


nadayati iti
She is the giver of delight or Nandini= a cow born in the family of Kamadhenu. Nandini also means river Ganga.\

She is identical with Ganga, the river.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 449


Luminosity or the power of desire.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 448


1) Susthu astih (=satta)= svastih, tadvati

According to this interpretation, the word su means good, asti being mat=having. THis the name means she is the Absolute Reality beyond the manifestations that are only empirically real.

2) The word svasti according to Yaska means immortal. According to Ratnakosa the word means benediction, benevolence, etc. She may be identical with that.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 447

Tranquility or santi is a certain kala belonging to Vayu.

According to the Brhatparasara, beyond fifteen fingers' breadth from the end of the nose where jiva is purified is the kala called santi.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 446

She who is steadfastness. Or, who is also worshiped under the name Dhrtih in the shrine at Pindarka.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 445

Matih ( Intelligence)

The word mati is explained in VayP.

According to Sutasamhita, mati is the form of Devi.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 444

Pustih ( Nourishment)

This is the name of the Goddess worshipped in he Devadaruvana. Hence the Goddess is identical with the deity.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 443


1) Who is present as contentment.
The Goddess is always praised under with such names as Tusti, Pusti, (nourishment) which express wisdom or knowledge( jnana) or steadfastness (dhairya), tranquility (sama), benevolence (Kalyana), beauty, etc.
2) Tusti is a deity of the tirtha called Vastresvara.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 442

1) kumarah (=skandah) gananathah (=gajananah) tayoh amba
The mother of Kumara (Skanda) and Gananatha ( Ganesh)

2) kutsito maraganah (=smaravikara samuhah) yesam, tannathan ambate (badhnati)
According to this interpretation, ku (kutsita)= inferior, maragana means passional modifications, natha = Lords, amba means the binder. i.e., destroyer. Thus it would mean she who destroys the lords of passional modifications

3) The world kumara may also mean egoism as Kumara (i.e., Skanda) is the deity of ahamkara. Hence She binds and punishes those who possess the qualities of ahamkara (egoism)

Monday, December 13, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 441


kaulamarge tatparaih (=asaktaih) sevita

She who is worshiped by the followers of Kaulamarga.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 440


1) kulakundam (=muladharamadhyagato binduh) eva alayam yasyah
Whose abode is kulakunda

Kulakunda is the bindu in the center of the pericarp of the muladhara. It can be compared to the narrow opening in the underground stalk of the lotus.

2) The a ( in alaya) means from all sides, i.e., deep, laya sleep. Hence kulakunda is the place where kundalini remains in a state of deep sleep. Hence the name would mean she who rests at kulakunda, that is kundalini.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 439

kulasya isvari
The ruler of kula.

Kula here means the triad of measurer, the measurement and the thing to be measured (otherwise called cognizer, cognition and what is congnized matr, mana and meya)

Friday, December 10, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 438


The deity, Kurukulla. 'Kurukulla' is the presiding over the reservoir called vimarsamaya between the walls of cit and ahamkara in the Sri Cakra.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 437

komalah (=sukumarah) akaro yasyah
She whose structure is tender.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 436


1) The Expert One

As she exhibits skill in functions like creation, protection, etc., She is called an expert.

2) kusam (=jalam) lati iti
She who brings water

3) kutsitah salah (=candrama) yasyah (agre)
Even the moon seems faint when compared to Her beauty. Sala means the moon.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 435


campeya kusumam priyam yasyah sa
Who is found of campaka flower

Monday, December 6, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 434


candanasya dravena digdhani (liptani) angani yasyah
Whose limbs are anointed by sandal paste.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 433


1) madena patale (=svetaraktau) gandbhuvau yasyah
Whose cheeks are reddish due to rapture

2) madapatale (kasturi puspa visese ca) tadavatyau gandabhuvau yasyah sa
According to this interpretation, the word mada means a kind of flower. Thus the name would mean whose cheeks are decorated with musk(marks) and patala flowers(dangling from the ear-tops).

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 432

madena ghurnitani raktani ca aksini yasyah
Whose eyes are reddened and rolled (turned within) by mada (rapture).

She has turned Her eyes within to be away from external pleasures.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 431

madena salate (=sobhate) evam sila
She is shining with rapture.
Made here means the experience of contaminated bliss which is untainted by worldly things.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 430

She is ever young
As she is not devoid of rajas(menstruation) at anytime, she is ever young.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 429


niskrantah simam (simamva) nihsima(nihsimova)mahima yasyah

Whose greatness knows no boudary.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 428


1)pancakosanam antare (=madhye) sthita
She resides in the core of the five kosas (Sheaths)

These pancakosas are explained thus: Pancakapuja is an act of devotion in the worship of the Sriyantra. Therein five formulas are to be used and there are five deities. These formulas (i.e., mantras) are identical with deities. Hence they are pancakosas, viz., the Srividya taking bindu at center, Paramjyoti, Niskalasambhavi, Ajapa, and Matrka. Among these, except Srividya, the remaining four are worshiped individually and collectively in srsti-cakra, etc. The Srividya is in the center. Thus the Goddess is in the midst of these kosas.

2) pancanam annamayadinam kosanam antare (=madhye anandamaya kose abhedena) sthita.
She resides as (the anandamayakosa) the innermost kosa among the five kosas.

In our body, there are five sheaths - annamaya, pranamaya, manomaya, vijnanamaya, and anandamaya. She is called the fifth kosa anandamaya.

But according to Sankaracarya, anandamaya kosa is not Brahman nd it is enveloped by annamaya, etc. In that case the anandamaya is in the form of citsakti which is the body of Brahman, who is prakasa itself.
In view that Brahman is the support of the anandamaya (pucchabrahmapaksa) name would mean She is in the center of these five sheaths.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 427


1) O (Goddess)
Ayi is the nominative of address of the affectionate mother.

The word is used for sweet and tender invocations.

2) Ayi means fortunate one.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 426

The word tvam signifies the Goddess.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 425


The word tat indicates revolution of mind. The Goddess revolves in the buddhi of all. Hence, She is referred to by the word tat.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 424


1) tattvani (=sivadiksityantani sattrimsat) eva asanam yasyah sa
Who is seated on the seat of 36 categories.

The categories are thirty-six beginning with Siva to earth. Asana is a posture called Yogapitha.

2) tattvani asyati (=ksipati) iti
She who throws (generates) the categories (from herself)

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 423


1) dvija vrndaih (=traivarnika samuhaih) nisevita (=upasya)
She is worshiped by the community of twice-born
SHe is worshiped because she is Sandhya

2) dvijah (paksinah iva jivah), tesam vrndena nitaram (=abhedena) sevita (=sambaddha)

Three names, Vyahrti, Sandhya, Dvijavrndanisevita (nos 421, 422,and 423) indicate three different states. The first state, viz., waking state is indicated by Vyahrti being operation of speech, Sandhya indicates dreaming state (svapnah) as it lies between the other two states. And dvija means birds and also like them , Jiva. As birds exhausted by flight fold their wings and rest in the nest, tired jivas exhausted quit waking and dreaming states and merge into the Supreme Brahman in the susupti.

Thus She is worshiped in all these three states.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 422


1) samyak dhyayanti asyam
The period in which they meditate wholly on Her.

2) The word sandhya means the idea of non-separation of ourselves and that of caitanya which is in the sun.

3) Sandhya, according to Bhrd Smr, means: "She who is differentiated as Brahman, etc., the witness of action, radiant, the Sakti of Isvara is called by the wise Sandhya.

4) According to Madhava, the word sandhya means the deity who is to be worshiped at twilight.

5) Sandhya means mind-born daughter of Brahma

6) According to RnkP, ida, pingala and susumna are called Kali, Laksmi and Ekavira respectively. This the three twilights are identified with three Goddesses and the nadis

7) According to Dhaumya, a one year old girl is called Sandhya.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 421


Vyahrti means utterance or invocation of. She is the form of Vyahrti ( a certain mantra)

Monday, November 22, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 420


1) she who is not different from gayatri. Gayatri is the meter consisting of twenty-four syllables.

2) She is of the form of Gayatri, i.e., cowherd's daughter who is the younger wife of Brahma.

3) The word gayatri means the mother of the Vedas. The Goddess is inseparable from Gayatri. Hence she is called Gayatri.

4) gayatam trayate sa
One who protects the singer

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 419

jadam atma yasyah sa
She who as maya sakti appears as the solid world perceptible to us.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 418


jada casau saktisca
Who is the power of the inanimate

Jadasaktih is a modifcation of maya which is correlative to creating power of animate world. Hence, the name denotes the creative energy.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 417


cetana eva rupam yasyah sa
She is the nature of pure consciousness.
Holy Sankararanya explains it in his commentary called Vidyaratna as the Vimarsa form.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 416


cideva saktih
The power of consciousness.

This power of consciousness is capable of dispelling ignorance.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 415


1) manamsi vacasca=manovacah, tesam ca agocara (=avisayah)
She is beyond the reach of mind and speech

2) manasca vacaca = manovace te ca te ame (=apakve) manovacame, na manovacame = a manovacame tayoh agocara
Who can be grasped by mind and speech which are not unright (unripe)

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 414

1) svah (=atmabhinnah) prakasah yasyah sa
She is self-luminous.
2) susu apsu prakasah yasyah (sutaptaprakasa)
Who shines in pure (celestial) waters.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 413

1) pramatum yogya prameya, prameya na bhavati iti aprameya
Who is immeasurable.

2) akaradyaih (=brahmavisnadibhih) prameya
According to this interpretation, letter a means Brahma, Visnu and Mahesa and prameya = to be known. Thus the name means 'one who is to be known by Brahma etc.'

3) apsu prameya (apprameya)
According to this interpretation, ap means 'water' and prameya, means 'abiding'. Hence the name means 'She is born in waters".

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 412

sistaih pujita

She is worshiped by the wise. She is adorned by those who have controlled their senses and are faithful to the Vedic tradition.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 411


1) sustani (=vihitakarmani)istani (=priyani) yasyah sa
She to whom the right conduct (laid down) in scriptures is dear.

2) Sistaih (=vihita karmabhih) ista (=pujita) i.e., worshipped by ordained ceremonies

3)sistah ista yasyah sa
The sistas (wise) are dear to Her.

4) sistaih (=sajjanaih) ista (=pujita)

Friday, November 12, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 410


1) Sivat para
She who is beyond Siva. Because Siva depends upon Sakti

2) sivah pare yasyah sa
For Her, Siva is the Highest state. She is fond of revealing Siva to Her devotees.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 409


1) sivasya priya
Beloved of Siva

2) sivah priyah yasyah sa
Siva is dear to her.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 408

1) (bhaktam) sivam eva karoti
She who makes (Her devotee) Siva himself.

Sivahood being the goal of the seeker of salvation, She leads the seeker to find it by removing ignorance.

2) sivam (=mangalam) karoti sa
She who causes all that is auspicious

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 407

1) Sivah eva nurthih (=svarupam) yasyah sa
She who is the form of Siva
There is no difference between Siva and Sakti

2) Sivah (=mangalamayi) murtih yasyah
Whose is the most beneficent form.

3) Siva (=moksah) eva rupam yasyah
Whose form is the salvation itself

Monday, November 8, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 406


1) Sivena aradhya
She is worshipped by Siva

2) She is the form of mantra of four kutas worshiped by Siva

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 405

sivah dutah (=sandesaprapakah) yasyah sa
Whose messenger is Siva.

Sivaduti is also one of the 16 nityas. She is worshiped as Sivaduti in the Puskara shrine. Also there is a vidya (mantra) called Sivaduti. All these can be meant by the name 'Sivaduti'.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 404


bhaktanam hrdi (=bhavanyani) tamamsi (ajnanani)= bhaktahardatamah, tesam bhede (=nasane) bhanumatah (=suryasya) bhanusantati eva ( = kirana parampara eva).

She is the effulgence of the sun which dispels the darkness of ignorance from the hearts of (Her) devotees.

She is the dazzling sun of knowledge. The darkness of the heart is the ignorance settled there.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 403


1) mahanascasau kamesah ca iti mahakamesah, tasya nayane eva kumude, tayoh ahlade(=vikase sukhatisayakrt) kaumudi (=candrika iva) sa.

She who is the moonlight that blossoms the kumuda (lotus) of the eyes of Mahakamesa.

The word kaumudi may mean full moon of the month of Karttika.
2) kutsita mut yesam te kumudah (=vaisayikah), tesam asamantat hladah (=moksarupasukhatisayah) tasya kaumudi ( mahakamesam pratinayane kumudahlada kaumudi)
The Goddess illumines the pleasure which are enjoyed by sensuous person and which is generated by the leading of them to Lord Siva.

ku=inferior, mud = pleasure, Hence, according to this interpretation, the word kumuda means those who long for worldly pleasures. They are called inferior because their pleasures are mixed with pain.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 402


1) vidya (=svatmarupam jnanam) avidya= (caramavrttitupam jnanam)tadubhayaasvrupam asyah
She who assumes the form of Knowledge and ignorance

The word vidya means the knowledge of self and avidya means the knowledge in the form of last modification ( of duality, i.e., just before realization)

2) vidya (=caramvritti jnanam) avidya (=bhedabharanti-rupam jnanam) svah (=parabrahmatmakam jnanam) etat tryam rupam asyah

The word vidya means pure consciousness or the last psychosis in the jiva's state of bondage which gives final illumination; and avidya means the state of ignorance and bondage and also the confused knowledge of separateness. The word sva means knowledge belonging to Supreme Brahman. Rupa- these three are her forms

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 401

vividhah akarah yasyah sa
She who has transformed Herself into various shapes.

These various forms are of Vaikrta, Prakrta, sarga and Kaumarasarga creations.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 400


vyapnoti sa
The all -pervading one

She is called all - pervading because she is the transformation in the form of three prakrta sargas. Or vyapini means one who pervades the whole universe.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 399


1) vyakta avyaktam ceti svarupe asyah
She is of the form of the manifested and the unmanifested.
The word vyakta means the category mahat, as it was first manifested and also from its greatness. In avyakata, a means on all sides and vyakta means manifested, i.e.egoism. She is of both the forms, i.e., that of mahat and ahamkara

2) Vyakta is manifested and avyakta is unmanifested, i.e, She is both the subjects and not subject to the modifications of elements. Or Vyakta is sat and avyakta is asat

3) vyakta means perishable and avyakta means imperishable

4) vyaktavykatasvarupini samastivyastirupa va
According this interpretation, vyakta means individual and avyakta means collective forms.

5) Also, the word Vyakta denotes the twenty-three categories and avyakta, the supreme prakriti

6) The name also means she is manifested in those whose deeds are ripened and not manifested in those whose are bound by the noose of maya.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 398

1) ma vyakta iti avyakta
Imperceptible as the super sensuous reality or the manifestation of maya.

2) the name means the avyakta of Samkhya School in which it is expressed by the words, pradhana or prakrti (matter)

3) The word avyakta means Brahman as it is said in the Vedantasutra, III.2.23: "that Brahman is avyakta for the scriptures say s0"

4) Avyakta also means Visnu.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 397


1) mulasya (srividyamantrasya) prakrtih (karanabhutah)
She is the cause of the sacred formula, viz., Srividya
According to this interpretation, the word mula stands for the Srividya mantra and prakrti means origin. She is the form of the two letters - prakasa ( i.e., A) and vimarsa ( i.e., Ha)

2) Mulaprakrti (=samkhyamata prasiddha prakrti)
According to thi interpretation, the word mula prakrti means primordial unchanging cause of all modifications posited by Samkhya.

3)Mula Prakrti means Kundalini as described in MrgSam. The Kundalini is called mulaprakrti with its seven productions (mahat, etc.) So the name according to this interpretation would mean she who is of the form of kundalini with its seven productions.

4) The word mula may mean first and prakrti the origin. So each of the five elements from ether to earth, is the origin of the succeeding one and the last of the earth, the Brahman is Prakrti (i.e., Origin). Brahman has the prakrti and so He is the root, i.e, the first cause.

5) Letter ma denotes five ( the five subtle elements) and la three (aryakta, mahat and ahamkara). Hence Mula means eight and prakrti means causes. Thus the name would mean eightfold prakrti.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 396


parama (=utkrsta) ca sa isvari (=svamini) ca

She who is the supreme ruler and the sustainer of the Universe.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 395

Prasiddha ( well-known)
She who is completely established. This is because She is cognized by everyone as 'I'.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 393


prabha (= animadyavarana devatah) tadvati (=tabhiravrta)
She who is surrounded by Prabha,etc. ( the surrounding by deities)
She is surrounded by luminaries like Anima devata etc.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 394

prabh (=animadya devatah)eva svarupam asyah
She is the form of Prabha (and other surrounding deities)
Here in this name the identity of the quality and the possessor of it is described.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 392

1) srth (=visam) kanthe yasya sah = sri kanthah (=sivah)
srikanthasyadham sariram asyah
She, half of whose body is of Srikantha (Siva)

2)srikanthavad ardhe sarire asyah
She who has two half-bodies like Siva

She has a body of two colors: one half of the body is blue and other half is white. In the case of the goddess, the bright half is Gauri and the dark half is Kali.

3) srikanthah (=akarah) evardham sariram asyah
Thus he name means syllable a is whose half body.
According to this interpretation, the word srikantha denotes the letter a, the first one of the Sanskrit alphabet. Hence a is the a is the half of the body of the other letters of speech. The letter a, being the final utterance, is the para form which becomes ( later on) the Vaikhari.

4) The Goddess has only half a body, the other half is called Srikantha, i.e., the fulfiller (of the half). The same thing is explained in the Su Sam.

5) The name also denotes that when we write letters a (i.e., Srikantha), half (ardha) of it is like the Kamakala

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 391


1) sodsaiva sodasikah, nityasca tah sodasikasca (kamesvaryaaditripurantah), tasam-rupani yasyah sa
She, who is of sixteen external forms (of deities)

The sixteen deities are from Kamesvari to Tripura. The Tantraraja says that the sixteen deities are the limbs of Lalita

2) The word sodasika also means sodasi

3) Nityo (=vikalparahitah) a (samantat) sodasiko (=grahayaga abhyasa visesah) yesu (kratusu) taih asmantat rupyate (=priyate) sa
She is pleased by those sacrifices in which the graha sacrifice is performed.

According to this interpretation, the word Sodasika means a house where graha sacrifice is performed.

4) She is of the form of Sodasi-mantra

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 338

Lalita Sahasranama # 338

Lalita Sahasranama # 338

Lalita Sahasranama # 390


nirgatam banam (=sariram) yasmin (tadsariram)=nirvanam, nirvanam (=iyatta anavacchinnam) sukham (moksakhyam) dadati sa

She is the giver of the limitless bliss (of release) in which there is no body consciousness.

The word nirvana means nir- freed, vana= (by bavayorabhedah) also bana=body. In the Sruti, on the word girvana the word is explained as body by the Vedantins and by the Mimamsakas. Thus the word nirvana means without body, i.e., indescribable bliss. She is the giver of that bliss.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 389


nirgata upama (=sadrsayam) yasyah sa
She who is devoid of (Her) equal

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 388

nityam (=dayaya) klinna (=ardra)
She is the everflowing source of compassion
The name may mean the deity of the third day of the lunar fortnight

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 387

sannam gunanam (aisvarya- dharma -yasyah- sri-jnana-vairagyanam) samuhah= sadgunyam, tena paritah purita

She is filled from outside with the six qualities

These six qualities can be mentioned by Kamandaka. Peace, War, Marching, Sitting, encamped, dividing his forces and allies; or the qualities mentioned in the Puranas, namely, prosperity, righteousness, fame, beauty (or wealth), knowledge and detachment.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 386


1) sad (=avayavakani) angani, tesam devatabhih yukta (=avrta)
She, who is encircled by the deities of the six limbs.

These six limbs are heart, head. tuft, eyes, armour and weapon. She is encircled by the saktis belonging to these limbs.

According to Jna, one should worship these surrounding deities.

2) sadanganam (=adhisthatri) devata (=mahesvara eva), tena yukta

She is accompanied by Mahesvara, the presiding deity of the six limbs

According to DeBhP, these six limbs are explained as sarvajnata (omniscence), trpti (sense of completeness), anadi bodha (eternal consciousness), svatantrata (freedom), aluptasakti (unfading power) and anantata (infinity)

3) She is accompanied by the presiding deities of auxiliary sciences

According to this interpretation, the word sadangas means the six vedangas and hence, 'She is joined by the deities of Vedangas means that She is the form of then Vedas'

Monday, October 18, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 385


Sakshibyah Varjita
Who is witnessless
In the preceding name (Visvasaksini) it is said that she is the witness of all. Hence She has no other to witness. She is the only Seer.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 384


vivasya saksini (saksadavyavadhanena svarupat-makabodhena drstri)

She is the witness of the Universe. She witnesses the world directly, i.e.,without any hindrance, by the knowledge of the self.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 383


sadyah eva prasidati sa
She who confers immediate grace.

She immediately becomes gracious when gratified by the sacrifice and oblations done in the manner stated above.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 382


rahah tarpanena tarpita
Who is gratified by the (performance) secret tarpana

This tarpana is in the form of mental thinking which is an follows: "I sacrifice the universe from Earth to Siva in the fire of Samvit, ever burning without fuel and ever increasing, dispelling the darkness of illusion, the center from whichever emantes beautiful eyes.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 381


rahasi vivikte kriyamanah yagah, cidagnau punyadi homastakarupo rahoyaga tasya kramena (=prayogena) aradhya

She who is propitiated by the gradual offering into the secret sacrifice.

The Lord Siva and Parvati enjoy their company in secret in the thousand-petalled lotus in then brahmarandhra. This union is called rahoyaga in which eight things such as punya, papa, etc., are offered as oblations.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 380


bindureva mandalam (=sarvanandmayatmakam cakravalam) tatra vasati sa
She whose dwells in the bindu mandala

Here bindu is interpreted as sarvanandamaya cakra is the Sri yantra. But according to others, the word bindu is interpreted as white (sukla) and mandala as center which means brahmarandhra.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 379


odyanakhyam pithamera nilayo (=vasathanam) yasyah sa
She whose dwelling place is the holy seat of Odyana

Monday, October 11, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 378


jalandahre (=pitha visese) sthita iti tatha
She who dwells in the Jalandhara

At jalandhara pitha, she is worshipped under the name of Visnumukhi

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 377

1) The victorious Goddess
The Goddess as victorious represents the triumph of spirit over the obstacles.
2) The name also means Jaya deity worshipped on Varaha mountain.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 376


1) srngararasena samyak purna
Who is completely of the sentiment of srngara

2) The two other pithas are referred to in what follows ( names Jalandharasthita and Odynanapithanilaya 378 and 379). The names Kamapujita and Srngararasasampurana (375 and 376) represent the centers (Pithas) called Kamarupa (Kamapujita) and Purnagiri (by Srngararasasampurana)

3) The word Srnga indicates two, ara means petal and rasa means six. Hence the word when combined (srngararasa), means the Anahata Cakra which has two groups of six petals. Sam means frequently and purna remains,i.e., she frequently remains in the Anahata Cakra.

4) Srngam (=pradhanabhutam) araram (kavatam)yasyah sa = srngara, sampurena (=brahamana) sahita =sampurna iti srngararasasampurna

Hence the word Srngam means 'the Chief' and arana means 'covering', that is which is covered (referring to avidya). And sa=with, sampurna= perfect (i.e., Brahman). Thus if we take karmadharaya here then both the Brahman, conditioned (covered by qualities) and unconditioned, are referred to as Her form

Friday, October 8, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 375


kamena (=man-mathena) pujita
She who is worshipped by the God of Love

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 374


1) krete (-sukrte dushkrte) janati iti krtajna
She who knows whatever is done (either good or bad)

According to this interpretation, she is not separated from Agni, Soma, etc., who are witnesses of good and bad actions.

2)krtasya (=upkarasya) jnanena pratupakartri
She who rewards the action done by imparting knowledge

3) krtavat jna (jnanam) yasyah sa (krtajna)
According to this interpretation , the word krta=just as required, jna = knowledge, i.e., she possesses the knowledge.

4) krta also means krtayuga, jna knowledge, i.e., perfect knowledge. In the krta age, the knowledge was perfect knowledge.

5) Again, Krta means a certain side of a dice having 4 points. So she who knows the krta-dyuta. Hence she always conquers when she casts the dice with Siva.
She possesses all -pervading knowledge.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 373


kamesvarasya (=sivakamsya) prana nadi (=jivanadiva)
She is the vital current of Lord Kamesvara.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 372

bhaktanam manase (=citte) hamsiva
She who is like the female swan in the mind of the devotees.

A mythical swan dwells in the Manasa lake; similarly, She dwells in the minds of the devotees.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 371


1) visesa kharah (=kathinah) tasyeyam= vaikhari
saiva rupam yasyah
She who is the form of vaikhari speech

According to this interpretation, the word vaikhari is explained thus: vi=much, khara=hard. Because this form of speech is gross form (i.e., physical) hence it is vaikhari.

2) vai (=niscayena) kham (=karnavivaram) rati = (gacchati)

i.e., vai means definitely Kham to the ears, rati enters. That which certainly enters the ear.

But according to the Yogasastra, It is called vaikhari because it raises the vikharvayu upward.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 370


madhye sthita madhyama

She who resides in the midst.

In this condition she is not perceptible in every part as Vaikhari, etc.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 369


para (=utkrsta) casau devata ca
She is the supreme deity

She is to be worshiped as the chosen ideal (one's own deity)

Friday, October 1, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 368


pasyatiti pasyanti
She who perceives in pasayanti, she in these form is otherwise called uttirna.

She is called so because she perceives inside herself without the help of any instrument.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 367


pratikulam (=svatmabhimukham) ancati iti practici= sacasa citi ca = pratyakciti (avyakta sanjnam brahma) sa eva rupam yasyah sa

She whose form of consciousness moves toward Her inner self
Her form is unmanifested Brahman.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 366


1) Who is the highest (from all the three, i.e., three speeches- Pasyanti, Madhyama, Vaikhari)?

2) or Para means unmanifested form. The word Para is explained in different ways in TripSidh.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 365


svasyah atmarupa yah anandah tasya lavibhuta brahmadinam anandam santatayah (=samyaksamuhah) yasyah sa
She whose bliss, the totality of the bliss of Brahma, etc., is but a small part.

Here by Brahma, etc., one should mean Brahma, Visnu, Rudra. Their bliss together forms a small part pf the bliss of the Goddess. AsTaiUp, II 8 says, other beings live on a small part of this bliss.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 364


1) cita saha ekah rasah svarupam yesam, cideva mukhyah rasah yesam tani=cidekarasaani, cidekarasani rupani asya santi iti.

She who has cit only as the essence of Her form.

The name explains the attributes of bliss, consciousness, etc., are inseparable from her.
2) Cidekarasam (=cinmatrabhimam) rupam asti asyah
Whose form is ever non-separated from the cit.

In the tadpadalaksyartha (363) it is said that conditioned and unconditioned Brahman have the relation of sameness. Regarding this, doubts may arise. It can be contended that such relation between them is not possible because both are different. The name cidekarasarupini is the reply to this. Though the two appear as different (by attributes), at the same time they are one and the same.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 363


taditi padena laksaniyah arthah yasyah sa
She who is denoted by the word tat.

The word, tat, which frequently occurs in the srutis such as 'tattvamasi' etc., directly means the Brahman as the creator. Hence, that is conditioned Brahman. But the Goddess is not meant by direct (expressed) meaning but by indirect meaning which indicates unconditioned Brahman (hence she is denoted by Laksyartha). The relation between both the Brahman is 'sameness'.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 362

avidya paripanthi jnanasvarupa
She is an intelligence

Citih is explained as the knowledge opposed to nescience. Or, she is the independent power that is the cause of sustenance of the universe. She keeps alive all sentinent beings.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 361

tamah (= avidyam) apahanti sa
She who destroys the darkness.

Tamah = avidya in the form of darkness.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 360


1) tanuh (=krsah) madhyah yasyah sa
She whose waist is slender

2) She is the deity famous in the region of Kanci ( as the consort of Bilvesvara Siva)

3) Tanumadhya is the name of a center metre ( i.e., samvrtta). She is the form of tanumadhya metre.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 359


1) tapasaih aradhya

She who is worshiped by ascetics

2) tapah (=tajjanakatvat samsarah), tatra sarabhuta, adhya (= asamantat dhyanam) yasyah sa

According to this interpretation, tapa means samsara as it causes (produces) misery, sara = essence, a= deep and dhya=meditation. Thus the name means she whose deep meditation is essential in the samsara (world)

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 358

She is ever young

She is anadinidhana, free from all modifications. The Sruti says that she is inexhaustible, immortal.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 357


tapanam (=adhyatmikadhibhautikadhidaivikakyanam) trayam yasya, tena agnina = tapatrayagnina samyak taptanam (=jananam) samyak ahladanena candrika.

She who is the moonlight that gladdens those tormented by fire of the triple misery.

The word Tapatraya means triple misery, viz., adhyatmika (belonging to the soul or internal), adhibhautika (belonging to element or external sense-organs) and adhidaivika (belonging to supernatural powers). The Agni means samsara he has to suffer from, the triple misery

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 356


1) san (=uttamah) acarah = sadcarah, tasya pravartika
She who disseminates the good action ( lit., mode of life)
In the preceding name it is explained that she destroys the heretics. Thus She leads to the right action.

2) The word sat (satam) also means sistanam, i.e., 'of gentle'. Or of Brahman, She guides to observe the percepts enjoined in karmakanda and the advaita. Brahman in the jnanakanda through the means laid down in the Puranas.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 355

Samhrtah (= nasitah) asesah (=samastah) pakhandah yaya sa

She by whom all the heretics are destroyed.
The word is explained as pa to mean ' the meaning of the vedas' and khanda to mean 'cutting off'. Hence, that in which the meaning of the vedas are abandonded is called pakhanda. Here, one should understand 'Vedas' as the fourteen-fold vidya.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 354


1) pasunam (abhedajnanarupavidyavihinanam) pase (=pipasa asanaye) visisya mocayati

She who completely releases the bondage ( of thirst and hunger) of the animals [those who do not know the identity of soul (i.e., jivatma) and the highest soul, i.e., paramatma]

According to this interpretation, pasus are those who have not obtained abhedajnana. The word pasa (lit., bondage) is explained thus, pa= thirst, asa = hunger. The ignorants are called pasus because they possess the desire of eating and drinking only. The Goddess releases them from these bondages.

2) The word pasu (avyaya) means completely and pasa means the noose of Varuna. She completely frees her devotees from the noose of Varuna.

3) The word pasu properly; pasa the dice; vi much and mocini the thrower (samyakpasan patayatiti). The meaning is gambling with Siva, by throwing dices properly, she conquers him.

4) pasupasya (= parsivasya) asa (=prepsa) yesam te pasupasah, tan visesena mocayati (=prapta sivamstanoti)

Here, the word pasupa means pasun pati iti= He who protects the pasus, i.e., Paramasiva; the asa means desire ( i.e., desire to attain). So She emancipates entirely those who desire to obtain Siva and leads them to Paramasiva.

5) pasavah (= brahmadisthavarantah), tesam pasah (avidya), tah = pasupasah = tan (sivabhaktya) vimocayati

According to this interpretation, all the things beginning Brahma down to the tree are pasus as they have the desire of eating and drinking. The word pasa means avidya it is the only means of bondage. She by means of devotion to Siva makes them free.

The word pasa also means modifications of avidya. She by taking them away frees her devotees.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 353


1) bhaktimatam kalpalatika
She who is the wish - fulfilling creeper for her devotees.

She is also called because she fulfills the wish of those who worship Her.

2) Kalpa means imperfect or incomplete (i.e., apurna) Thus 'Bhaktimatkalpalatika' means ' those who are imperfect'. For them She is Lata Vistarini. Hence she turns the imperfect devotees to perfect ones.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 352

1) Vahneh mandale (=muladhare parmakase va) vasatiti tatha

She who resides in the sphere of fire.

'Vahnimandala' means the muladhara or the highest ether (paramakasa). These are Her dwelling places.

2) The word vahni which is famous indicates "the three". The three can be the sun, moon and fire. Hence she resides in the spheres of these three.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 351


1) vamah (=sundrah) kesah yasyah sa
She whose hair is of graceful appearance.

2) vama eva vamakah (=purusah) tesam isah = vamakesah, tasya stri
She who is the consort of the Lord of Man (i.e., Siva)

3) Vamakesah is a certain tantra. She belongs to that tantra. Hence She is called Vamakesi

Monday, September 13, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 350


1) vacam vadatiti vagvadini
She who is the speaker of the World

2) vacam vadayati
She who prompts one to speak ( she prompts one to speak the proper word) as she is the origin of speech.

3) Vagvadini is the name of a certain deity

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 349

vandante te vandaravah, tadrsah janah = vandarujanah, tan vatsavat la layati (anugrhnati), iti
She is the nourisher of those who worship Her.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 348


Vanditam Yoga
She who is worthy of Salutations.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 347


vigato malah (=avidya) yasyah sa

She from whom the impurity (in the form of nescience) has vanished

According to PadmP, Vimala is the name of the particular deity (Purusottama) in the Devi - tirthas

Vimala means kind of house. So the Goddess is in the form of house called Vimala

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 346


1) visisto jayo yasyah sa
She whose victory is extraordinary
2) The word can be interpreted as knowledge itself
3) Vijaya is the deity of Kashmir and of other sixty eight places
4) According to this, she is the form of Shiva
5) She is also called Vijaya owing to the slaying of the demon, Padma
6) According to the Cintamani, Vijaya is an auspicious muhurta, She is of that form

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 345


1) ksetrapalena (=sivavataravisesena) samyak arcita
She who was properly worshipped by the special incarnation of Siva (Ksetrapala)

2) Ksetram (=yagayatanam) palayati iti ksetrapalah, tena samyak arcita

According to this interpretation ksetra means the place of sacrificial ceremony, pala means the keeper (protector). Hence, She is the protector of the places of sacrificial ceremony.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 344


1) ksayavrddhibhyam vinirmukta
She who is free from decay and growth
It is the nature of the body that it can increase or decrease ( modifications taking place in the body - ksetra). She, though controller of the body, is free from decay and growth of ksetra.

2) She is free from the action and the result of the action as the decay and growth are the results of action

Monday, September 6, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 343

ksetram (=sariram) ksetrajnah (=jivah) ca, ksetraksetrajnau, tau palayati iti
She who nourishes the body and the knower of the body

Ksetra means body and ksetrajna means the soul, or jiva. She is the sustainer of both

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 342


ksetrasya (=sarirasya) isah ksetresah ( sivah), tasyeyam (=patni)

She is the wife of the sustainer of the body (Paramasiva)

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 341


ksetram (=kamarupadikam) svam (nijam) rupam yasyah sa
She whose form is the sacred places ( where she is worshipped, i.e., Kamarupa, etc) The word ksetra also means thirty-six categories from earth to Siva as they form Her body.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 340


1) vilasah (=vikesepasaktih) asti asyah
She who possesses the projecting power (hence, playful). Or. the word vilasa also means pithasaktih.

2) According to the grammatical rule bavayarabhedah Bile or Vile (brahma-randhare) aste iti. She who resides in the brahmarandhra

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 339


visnoh (=vyapanasilasya desakaladibhiranavacchinnasya) api maya (avaranakartri)

She who is the maya of visnu, she limits the all-pervasive Visnu

Or, it may mean illusion belonging to Visnu (tatsambandhini maya). The word visnumaya is explained in the Kalika P as that which differentiates everything into manifested and unmanifested according to the three gunas - sattva, rajas and tamas

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 338


vedanam janani (=utpadika)
She who is the creator of the Vedas (lit., mother of the Vedas).

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 337


1) Vidadhati (=dharayati posayati va jagat) iti vidhatri
She who sustains (or supports) the World.

2) Vidhatuh (=brahmanah) iyam (=patni)
She is the wife of Brahma

3)visista (visesapriti visaya) dhatri (=amalaki) yasyah sa
She who is fond of myrabolans. According to this interpretation vi means 'much' and dhatri means 'myrabolans'.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 336


vindhyacale nivasati sa
She who dwells on the Vindhya Mountains

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 335


1) vedaih veda

She who can be known through the four Vedas. Rgveda, Yajurveda, Samaveda and Atharvaveda

2) There are four gates to Her dwelling place, i.e., Cintamani grha (as it is said in the name 57, Cintamanigrhantastha) and without entering them, She cannot be known. So She s Vedavedya

3) She can be known through the four deities of the four Vedas viz., Suddhavidya and other Saubhagya and others. Lopamudra and others and Turiyamba and others who are deities of Rg, Yajur, Atharva and Sama Vedas respectively

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 334


visvamat (=ksityadisivantat) adhika (=utkrsta)
She who is above (i.e., transcends) the Universe

The word visva means categories beginning with the earth and ending with Siva. Hence, She is that principle which is above the categories

Friday, August 27, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 333


varunapriyatvat varuni = kharjurisamaudhbhavo rasah), tasya madena (=panajanyanandena) vihvala (=bahyapadarthavismarana sila)

She who is intoxicated with the date wine

Vihvala = she forgets. She forgets all the external objects and enjoys the internal highest bliss

2) Varunasyeyam varuni (= sasyatiti) = varuniman (sahasraphanah sesah) tadvadavihvala

According to this interpretation, varuni =belonging to the region of Varuna, i.e., Anantanaga (Sesa). She like him is avihvala, not agitated. Just as Varuniman( Sesa) perpetually holds the world without agitation, She is not agitated with her functions

3) varunimantah avihvala yaya sa

Here the word varuni means varuni nadi (by knowing which the devotee reaches the thousand - petaled Lotus and after that becomes completely lost to all external experiences. Hence Varunimantah means who has encountered the varuninadi and become firm (i.e., avihvala) So the name means, by whose grace the person who has conquered varuninadi becomes firm

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 332


1) Vamani (=sundarani) nayanani (pramanani va) yasyah sa

She who has beautiful eyes

or the word Nayanani means the means of knowledge, i.e., who has fair means of knowledge

2) vamam (=marga visesam) nayatiti

The word vama means left path (i.e., vama -marga) and naya = nayati = leads. Thus the name means she who leads the vama- marga

3) Vamam (=karmajanyaphalam) nayati (=prapayati) iti

She who takes the fruit of action. She leads those who work for good results to the best way.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 331


varan datte iti
She who gives boons to Her devotees especially to Brahma and Visnu

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 330

Kadambari Priya

1) kadambari (=uttama madira) saiva priya yasyah sa
She who is fond of the mead
2) Kadambari is a synonym for Sarasvati in lexicon. The adjective, means one to whom Sarasvati is beloved.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 329


1) She who is beautiful
She is called so owing to her beauty

2) Kam (=brahmaiva) antah (=siddantah) yasyah sa
According to this interpretation ka again means Brahman. The Brahman ONLY is the end (i.e., the final form) of the goddess

3) Kanta means the deity of the eleventh night of the dark fortnight

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 328


1) kala eva alapo (=bhasanam) yasyah sa
Whose conversation is sweet
2) kalah (=manjulah) alapah yasyah sa
Whose speech is sweet. The word kala means sweet and indistinct
3) kam(=brahma), tasya lalavat (=ati sulabah) apah (praptih) yasyah (sakasat)
The word ka here means Brahman, i.e., from whom the attainment of Brahman becomes very natural just like a flow of saliva

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Lalita Saharanama # 327

kalah ( catusastisakhyah kalah) santi asyam iti
She who possesses sixty four kalas

Friday, August 20, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 326

karuna raso yesu = karunarasah, tadrsah sagarah yasyam iti
She in whom the oceans of all compassions rest.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 325

jagatyah kandah (=purnana mulam va)
She is the root of the world

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 324

1) The auspicious one
Because she is of auspicious nature, she is called Kalyani
2) subhatmakavani Kalya, kalyam eva anati (=sabdayate) iti Kalyani
She who speaks good words

According to the PdmP, Kalya means the idol worshipped in Malaya Mountains

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 323


kadambakusumani priyani yasyah sa
She who is fond of Kadamba flowers

Monday, August 16, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 322


1) kamakala eva rupam yasyah sa
She who is of the form of Kamakala

There are three Bindus in Haradkala in which the first bindu is called kama and the last one is called kala. According to the pratyaharanyaya it is called kamakala. Hence it includes all the four (four bindus)

Kamascasau kala ca (=kalarupa ca)
Here kama means desire and kala means manifestations. She is called so because she manifested Herself to fulfill desires

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 321


1) (mumuksubhih) kamyamanatvat
She who is desired by the seekers of liberation
2) Kamya is the deity of the twelfth night of the dark fortnight.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 320


(sva) ramanesu (=patisu) ramane (kridayam) lampata (=lalasa-satrsna)

She who craved for the pleasure of sporting with her own husband, because She is the female counterpart in the entire world.
By her Grace, Chastity and Nobility is found in a woman.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 319


1) rama svarupa
2) ramante asyam yoginah iti
She in whom yogis delight

In Puranas it is described that all women are the forms of the Goddess and are created by her.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 318


raksanam hantiti raksasaghni

She who is the killer of demons

She has observed a vow to appear again and again to destroy the demons who are born to spoil her creations from time to time

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 317


raksa (=raksanam bhasma va ) tat karoti iti
Raksa means protection and also ash. She protects the universe and also reduces it to ashes. So her two works, creation and dissolution , are indicated here

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 316

ratih (=kamapatni ratam va ) priya yasyah sa
She to whom Rati is dear

Monday, August 9, 2010

Lalita sahasranama # 315


ratieva rupam yasyah sa

She who has the form of Rati (i.e., the consort of Cupid)
The name Rama (no 313) indicates Ikara adn Rakenduvadana indicates anusvara. Thus Im, i.e, Kamakala is indicated in the above names. Im. is Ratirupa

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 314


rakenduh iva vadanam yasyah sa
Who has a face like the full moon

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 313

She is the form of Lakshmi

Friday, August 6, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 312


ranantyah kinkanayah yasyam tadrsi mekhala yasyah sa
She who has the waist belt of tinkling bells

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 311


rasayitum (asvadayitum) yogya
She who is worthy to be tasted

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 310

(bhaktan) ramayati (=taih saha kridati) sa
She plays with her devotees

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 309


(bhaktan) ranjayati sa
She give joy to devotees

Or She, by Her mere presence gives (red color) pleasure to Paramasiva, just as red flower gives red color to the crystal.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 308


rajivah (=padmam harinova) tadvad locane yasyah sa

She whose eyes is like lotus or deer

The word rajiva also means deer, fish, lotus and a dependent of a king. The name can also be interpreted as 'who looks favorably on those who depend on the king' (i.e., Mahesvara)

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 307

The most beautiful one

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 306


She is the Queen of the ruler of the king of Kings

Friday, July 30, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 305


rajarajabhyam arcita (=upasita)
She who is worshipped by Rajaraja

The word rajaraja stands for both Manu and Kubera. The word also indicates the vidya of Kubera, Manu, Candra, Lopamudra, Agastya, Surya, Indra, Skanda, Manmatha, Agni and Durvasa.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 304

heyopadeyabhyam varjita
She who is devoid of teh thing to be rejected and to be accepted.

She is above all, i.e., the pravrttis and nivrittis. As the sastras which lay down the actions are based on avidya, she is beyond them.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 303

hrdbhava hrdya

She who resides in the heart

She resides in the heart of the rsis. The word also means 'lovely' or beautiful

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 302


hrim asti asyah iti hrimmati

She who is endowed with modesty

Monday, July 26, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 301


1) Hrimm (=lajjam) karotiti hrimkari
She who is the doer of shame

2) The word hrim means syllable Hrim. The meaning of Hrim is explained is SvaTan. According to it ha indicates manifestation ra involution in protection and the anusvara controls the three. So the name according to this interpretation would mean 'she who is the doer of creation, protection and involution'/

3) Hrimkara is the bhuvanesvari bija

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 300


namarupabhyam vivarjita
She who is devoid of name and form

There are five forms of the world. These are 1) being (existence, asti) 2) conciousness (experience or knowledge, bhati) 3) joy (priyam), 4) name and 5) form. Of these five, the first three belong to Brahma and the remaining two belong to the world. The last two being illusory, the Goddess is devoid of them.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 299

nade rupam yasyah sa. Or nada eva rupam yasyah sa

She who has nada as her Form (is of Sound form). She is also the nada stage in the eight distinctions of Bindu, viz., Ardhacandra, Rodhini, Nada, Nadanta, Sakti, Vyapaka, Samana and Unmana

Friday, July 23, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 298


1) narasya apatyam puman narayanah, tasyeyam narayani

She is the consort of Narayana

The word narayana means either Siva or Visnu. The word is explained in Manu (I10) as "the water is called Narah, because it emanated from Nara (i.e., Brahman) and that is the first abode (ayana). Hence he is named as Narayana.
2) The sister of Visnu is called Narayani. Or, because there is no difference between Gauri and Narayani . She is called Narayani

3) According to PdmP, Narayani is the goddess worshipped in Suparsvaksetra

Lalita Sahasranama # 297


harisca brahma ca = indrasca haribrahmendrah taih sevita
She is worshipped by Hari, Brahma and Indra

In the SriCakra in the center between the seventeenth and eighteenth walls there is a seat of Visnu; between the sixteenth and seventeenth there is a seat of Brahma and between the fourteenth and fifteenth there is a seat of Indra and other Lokapalas. All these are worshippers of the Goddess.

The secret behind the name is that Her devotees have no need of worshipping other deities who themselves worship the Universal Mother.

Lalita Sahasranama # 296


1) na adih = anadih, na vidyate adih (=jananam) ca nidhanam ca yasyah sa
She who has neither beginning nor end

2) The word adi or anadi means eigthy according to the system of Vararuci. i.e., Zero and da 8 become eighty (80). there are eighty types of death. The name anadinidhana means that she releases the worshipper from these eighty deaths. These eighty causes are divided into two- pasa and vadha. Of these the vadha is of twenty-eight types and pas is of fifty two types

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 295


1) amba eva ambika

The mother

She is the creator of the Universe. Therefore, she is the mother of the universe.

2) Ambika means triple power consisting of will, cognition and action

3) Ambika also means night or sleep

She is of the form of night or sleep

Monday, July 19, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 294


1) Bhuvananam (=caturdasasamkhyalokanam) isvari
She who is the ruler of all the worlds

The word Bhuvana means the fourteen worlds. The word also means water

2) She is of the form of seed-sound called Hrllekha

3) Bhuvananandanatha is the name of the guru included under Manavaugha. She is the ruler of him (vide supra, I 39 comm.)

She is called Bhuvaneswari in the description of the origin of all worlds and discussion of the Ha bija in the chapter Ghatargalayantra of Daksinamurti-samhita

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 293


1) bhogah (=sukhasaksatkarah) asti asyah iti
who has enjoyed complete bliss
2) Bhogini also means (of the form of) the daughter of serpent, i.e., a female serpent

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 292

She who is perfect

She is free from all the limitations of place, time conditions, etc.

The word purna also means the fifth, tenth, fifteenth, nitya deities, the fourteenth bright night and also a particular river

Friday, July 16, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 291


1) purusharthan pradadati sa

She who gives four purusharthas - dharma, artha, Kama and moksa

2) purusah (=rudrah) purusarthapradah yaya sa

Here the word purusa means Rudra and artha means salvation. So She is one, by whom Rudra is able to give purusartha, i.e., the worship of the Brahman and the results thereof depend on Sakti alone

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 290


1) Sakalasca te agamah (=vedah) sakalagamah tesam sandohah (=samuhah) = sakalagamasandohah, te eva suktayah, tabhih samputam (=putitam pratipaditam) mauktikam (=nasabharanam) yasyah sa tathoka

She has the pearl found in the shell casket composed of the collection of Agamas.
Here she is fancied as a pearl or with a pearl in Her Nose-Ring.

2) or the pearl indicates the nearest attributes, viz., Creation of the Universe, because when the scriptures describe the Brahman positively they use the method of approximation (Arundhatinyaya)
The Vedas describe her nose-pearl and not the real nature.

3) sakalagamasandohah eva sukitmayah samputah tatra mautika iva
She who is like a pearl in the samputa of the conch-shell, which is the multitude of all the Vedas

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 289


srutinam simantah (=urdhvasamyadupnisadam bhagah) tesu sinduravat (= antargatarahasyarthavat) krta padabjadhulih (caranakamalayoh rajah) yaya sa
The dust of whose feet form a mark of vermillion of the head of the vedas (i.e., Upanishads)

The Vedas have two parts, Karmakanda and Brahmakanda. In the preceding names, Karmakanda and its fruits were explained, from here onwards the explanation of Brahmakanda is given. The word dhuli (dust) is used here to indicate the vedas (i.e., Upanishads) are unable to explain the real nature and the form of the Goddess (i.e., the highest being). Hence the method of negation to describe the supreme form is accepted.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 288


punyapunyayoh (-punyapapayoh) phale (svarganarakau) dadati sa

She who gives fruits of merits and demerits.

The performer according to his merits and demerits gets the fruits. Viz. heaven and hell repectively.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 287


nijam (=svayam) ajnam (vedavidbhihsabdabhava-natvena vyavahrtam) rupayanti it nijajna rupah; tadrsah nigamah (=karmakandatmakah vedah) yasyah sa

The Vedas explain her commands

1)Her ajna, i.e., order becomes intelligible to the knower through the words ( i.e., what the meaning and practical direction of particular karma are) by giving real meaning and praise (i.e., arthavada) etc.
2) The word nigama may mean her the teachings assisted by the Agamas. There are twenty eight Saiva tantras beginning with kamika which follows the Vedas. They are not opposed to the Vedas. They are meant by the word nigama. As they sprang from the mouth of Paramesvara they are said to be the command of the Goddess

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 286


Varnanam asramanam ca vidhayini

She who ordains the order of four varnas and four asramas.

She created the social order and stages of life (i.e., asramas) for the transmission of vedic knowledge and practices among human beings.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 285

brahmakitani abhivyapya iti abrahmakitam, tasya janani = abrahmakitajanani

She is the birth- give of all from Brahma to the smallest worm

The word brahma stands for Hiranyagarbha, the gross form of humanity take collectively. So like the pratyahara, all the beings between the Brahma adn Kita are the creations of the Goddess

Friday, July 9, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 284

Sahasram padah yasyah sa

Who has uncountable feet

In the names 281-284 the second and the third kuta of Pancadasi are described. In 281, by the word bhuvanavali, two Bhuvaneswari bijas are indicated. In Sahasraksi (283) 'la' and in Sahasrapat (284) the syllables ha and sa are indicated.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 283

sahasram aksini yasyah sa

She has uncountable eyes

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 282

sahsram sirsani (=vadanani) yasyah sa
She has uncountable heads and faces

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 281

unmesaimesau (= netravikasasankocau) tabhyam eva utpana = unmesanimisotpannah Vipannasca = (srstah ca nastah ca) bhuvanam avalyah yasyah
The order of the universe arises and disappears with the opening and closing of her eyes.
Here the words umesa and nimesa refer to the wish of the Goddess, i.e., by her mere wish.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 280


padmanabhasya (=visnoh) sahodari (=ekodarabhavabhagini) ya sa
She is the cognate sister of visnu

The supreme reality assumed a dual form distinguishable as attribute (dharma) and the substance (dharmi) and the attribute again divided into two - the masculine and the feminine. The first was Visnu, the orginator of the Universe and the second (the feminine) became the wife of Paramsiva. The Brahman is the unity of these three entities.

Padmasana, Bhagavati, Padmanabhasahodari (names 278 to 280) contain the first kuta of Kadividya, viz., Vaghbhavakuta. According to this, they indicate the syllable ka, bhaga "i" vati = Kamakala, i.e., la, sa=ha,hada =ma and last syllable Ri=rim. Thus it gives letters, Ka, i, la, hrim

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 279

bhagapadartha asyam santi iti
She who is the possessor of Bhaga (six good) qualities.
She possesses all the auspicious qualities. She is worshiped by all the devas. Hence She is called Bhagavati.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 278


1) Brahmarupatvat
She is the form of Brahma, who is seated on the Lotus. The Goddess is identical with him
2) padmam eva asanam (=pitham) yasyah sa
She whose seat is the lotus
The lotus has prakrtis for leaves, the categories for filaments and knowledge for the stalk. Such a lotus is her seat.
3) Padmam (=laksmim) sanati (=bhaktebhyo dadati) sa
Here the word padma means lakshmi and sanati means confers. Thus the name means She who confers wealth upon her devotees.
4) The word padma means padmasura daitya and san means to kill. She is the killer of Padmasura
5) Padma also means bindu. So one who is seated on the bindu ( in Sri yantra)

Friday, July 2, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 277

1) Bhagam (=sadgunyam) malati (=dharayati) iti
She who bears all the six qualities
2) She who wears a garland of Bhaga
Bhaga=a female emblem
4) Bhagamalini also means one of the fifteen Nitya deities

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 276

1) Bhairavasya (=parasivasya) iyam (=stri) bhairavi
She who is the wife of Bhairava

2) Bhairavi also means Tripuracakresvari mantra in the madhyakuta, when ra is deleted. She is of the form of Bhairavi Mantra

3) Bhairavi also means the sum total of everything that has a feminine form as Bhiru woman

4) A girl of twelve years is called Bhairavi

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 275

1) bhanumandalasya madhye tisthati sa
She who rests in the center of the solar orb
She is so called because, in the evening, the Goddess is to be meditated upon the center of the Sun's disc

2) Bhanumandala may mean the anahata lotus, as the yogi meditates upon the Goddess in the middle of the Anahata lotus

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 274


1) pancavidhanam krtyanam parayanam ( =asrayah) ya sa
She who is the abode of fivefold functions

2) pancavidhanam krtyesu parayana
She who is devoted to five functions

The word parayana here has two meanings, i.e., devoted to and dependent
The five functions referred to are creation (utpatti), preservation (stithi), destruction (laya) annihilation(tirodhana) and causing reappearance (avirbhava by anugraha). In the Sakti sutras these five functions of the Goddess are called abhasana, rakti, vimarsana, bijavasthapana, and vilapana respectively.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 273


anugrahah (= niravasesadhvansamapannasya jagatah srstyadau punah paramanvadiru-patapattih), tam dadati sa

She who recreates the universe again from the state into which it was dissolved.

She performs the function of Sadasiva. Tirodhana and anugraha means bondage and liberation respectively to which jiva is subjected. According to this interpretation, it means that Isvara binds the jivas engendering egoism and possessiveness in them and Sadasiva causes liberation.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 272


sadasivat abhinna
She is not different from Sadasiva

Sadasiva is Isvara of pure sattva (i.e., viralatarsuddha sattva)

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 271


1) Isvarah (=ghanatarasuddhasattvapradhanah) tadabhinnatvat isvari

She who is not different form Isvara qualified by uncontaminated sattva

2) The parahanta is the quality of Isvara. She is possessed of this supreme individuality, hence she is called Isvari.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 270

1) Tirodhanam (=acchadhanam=niravasase dhvansah) tat karoti iti

She who entirely veils (destroys) the universe.

Her function is total annihilation of by reducing even the ultimate atoms of the world by reducing them to the prakrti. This is the work of Isvara endowed only with total aggregate sattva.

2) Tirodhanakari may mean tiraskarini sakti. i.e., she abhors non devotees.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 269


1) rudrah rupam yasyah sa
She who ensouls the form of Rudr

In the preceding name the function of Rudra is ascribed to Her. In this name, the very form is ascribed to Her.

2) rujam dravayatiti va rodayati va

She who takes away sorrows or makes creatures weep, as the rain which falls at the time of destruction (i.e., dissolution) of the universe from His (Rudra) solar eye in the form of tears.

3) According to Chandogyapanisad the pranas are the rudras they make creatures weep

4) Ru (=dukham duhkhaheturva), tadravayati iti rudrah sa eva rupam yasyah sa

Ru= pain or cause of pain. He (Rudra) drives away the pain, hence he is called Rudra. She is of the form of Rudra, of the supreme cause

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 268


samharah (=jagatah dhvanasah), tatkaroti iti
She who is the destroyer (of the universe)

Samhara reducing the universe into atoms. This is the function of Isvara when the tamas quality is predominant in Isvara

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 267

1) Govindah (=tadrsa isvaro visnuh) eva rupam asyah
She is who is of the form of Govinda

2) The word Govinda may mean Brhspati. So the name would also mean 'of the form of Brhspati'.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 266


Gopayati sa

She who sustains the world.

The second function, i.e., sustaining the universe, belongs to Isvara when the sattva quality is predominant in Isvara

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 265


Brahma eva rupam yasyah sa.

Whose form is of (four-faced) Brahma. Brahma is one of the saktis of Brahman.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 264


Srsteh kartri
She whose function is the creation of the world.

Creation is the work of Isvara predominated by the rajas quality. The Goddess is the doer of that. Thus, She is identified with Isvara.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 263

Sarvabhih (=catasrbhih) avasthabhih visesena (=punaravrtyabhavapurvakam) varjitah (=jivah) =sarvavasthavivarjita, tadabhinna sa

She who is not different from the jiva who is devoid of all the four states.

After the four states is the fifth state of jiva which does not have any special name but is called Turyatita. When the soul attains this state, it is called sarvavasthavivarjita because when it enters the fifth state it has naturally transcended the first four states., viz completely and varjita = crossing, i.e., one who does not return. This state puts an end to its rebirth. The Siva - sutras describe the condition of the three states.

She is described so because She is not different from Jivas that have the highest Siva realization individually as well as collectively.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 262


1) Turya (=mahakaranasarirabhimani jivah) tadabhina

She is identical with Turya

Turya is the last state after the third state. In this state, the jiva is not affected by the experiences of the other three states. The jiva here is called Turya and the total of such jivas is a great cause. The goddess has thus become both the Individual and the genius. For this purpose she is called Turya.

2) turya + turiya devata
According to Sakti Rahasya, Turya is devata. The same thing is described in the ManUp.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 261


Prajnah (=karanasariravyastyabhimanijivah tatsamastibhuta isvarah) atma (=svarupam) yasyah sa

Who is in the form of Prajna souls. Prajna is Isvara who is the collective form of jivas in sound sleep condition.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 260


supta asti asyah or suptam (=samdavastha), tadvam (=jivah) suptah, tadabhinna sa

Supta, i.e., susupta is explained as that jiva who is merged in the causal body and enjoys sound sleep. The susupti avastha as experienced by the jiva is described in Siva Sutras (I 10) as "I slept happily. I know nothing". Hence in deep sleep ignorance egoism and happiness exist. The soul in this state is called Prajna.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 259


taijasa (=uktalaksnaj ivah tat samastibhuto hiranyagarbhah ) eva atma (=svarupam) yasyah sa
Who ebsouls the taijasa (Hiranyagarbha)
Hiranyagarbha is the collective form of the Jivas, who through subtle form experience clearly the objects created by dream.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 258


Svapiti sa
she is in the dreaming state

Here the goddess is explained as not different from the Jiva, viz., taijasa , who is in the subtle form enjoys the dreaming state

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 257


jagarah asti asayah

The wakeful

Jiva is his waking state called jagara. The Goddess is identical with him. She is, therefore called Jagrini. The definition of Jagara state is explained in Isvara Pratyabhijna.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 256


1) visve (= jivah vaisvanarah) rupam yasyah sa

The jivas in the world are her form.

2) Visvameva rupam, yasyah sa

Who has the whole universe as Her form.

3) Vigatam Svarupam (=pasubhavah) yasyah (prasadat) sa
The name is split as vi+sva+rupa. The name, according to this interpretation means one by whose grace the pasubhava disappears.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 255


1)dharmasa adharmasca dharmadharmau, tabhyam vivarjita
She who is above the (lit., devoid of) dharma and adharma

The word dharma means an action leading to the desirable fruit, while adharma means the action leading to the undesirable result. The word dharma is derived by the MtsyP from root dhr+ma where dhr means to support and ma means great. Thus the word dharma means the great support.

2) Dharmadharmau bandamoksau tabyam vivarjita

Here the word dharma means bondage and adharma means liberation as explained in the Nityahrdaya.

3) dharmah (=sakti aksarah) ca adharman (=sivaksrah) ca dharma-dharmau, tabhyam vivarjita.
According to this interpretation, the word dharma stands for the letter of Sakti adn adharma for the letter of Siva. Vivarjita =fully increased (here root vraj is taken to mean to increase) . The expression thus means who is increased by the letters representing Sakti and Siva.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 254


She who assumes the form of meditation, meditator and the object of meditation.

The root dhyai used in the three words in the above name means to think or to meditate. It also means measurement (mana) as it is explained in Yogasutra. She is the triad of cognition, cognizer and what is cognized, otherwise called the form of knowledge, of the knower and of the object of the knowledge.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 253


1) Vijnanam (=caitanyam) eva ghanam (=sandram) rupamasyah

She whose true nature is pure consciousness

The word Vijnana mans caitanya, ghana = essence. She who is harmonious by pure consciousness.

2) Vinjnanam (=jiva) tena ghanam (=samastyatmakam) rupam asyah
The word Vijnana here means Jiva (soul). She is one who assumes the form of Hiranyagarbha, Brahman conditioned by the totality of the internal organs of all transmigratory souls.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 252


parama (=utkrsta) anando svarupam yasyah sa

She who is the form of the highest bliss.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 251


Cit eva cinmayi

She who is composed of pure consciousness

She is called so because She is not different from consciousness (cit).

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 250

Pancabrahmanam svarupam asyah

Whose body is constituted of the five brahmans
Panchabrahma means five deities beginning with Brahma mentioned above. They are all called Brahma because Brahman takes these five forms by his power of maya.
The five Brahmas are Isana, Tatpurusa, Aghora, Vamadeva, and Sadyojata. But as the LgP says they are jiva, prakriti, buddhi, ahamkara and manas. Even the senses ear, skin, eyes, tongue and nose and subtle elements are the five forms of the Brahman. All these are her forms

Friday, June 4, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 249

pancabhih pretaih (=kalpite) asane (mancake)asina
She is mounted on the stage formed by the five corpses.

The word panca refers to five, namely, Brahma, Visnu, Rudra, Isvara, Sadasiva. They are called pretas when they are devoid of their powers (i.e., Saktis). These powers cause them to function in pancakaryas but without them they are inactive and, hence, pretas (i.e., lifeless). And the Goddess is their ruler who is seated on the couch prepared by their lifeless bodies.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 248


1) Padmaragena sama (=tulya) prabha (=kantih) yasyah sa
She whose brilliance is like Padmaraga

Padmaraga is a kind of diamond (ruby). Her brilliance is as red as ruby.

2) Padmasya (=kokanadasya) ragena (raktima) sama prabha yasyah sa
whose color is as red as the lotus
The name may refer to Amrtakundalini

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 247


Padme iva nayane yasyah sa
She whose eyes are lotus-like

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 246


Parvatasya apatyam stri parvati

She is the daughter of mountain (Himalaya)

Monday, May 31, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 245

cakrarajameva niketanam yasyah sa
She whose dwelling place is Cakraraja i.e., Sriccakra

The word cakraraja means sricakra consisting of the nine cakras (Trailokyamohana, etc.)

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 243


caruyah chandrakalayah dhara (=dharyitri)
She is placing a beautiful crescent (on her head)

The word caru indicates never waxing or waning (vrddhiksaya rahita)
Candrakala may mean sadakhya-kala which is of the nature of pure consciousness.

The word candrakala may also mean the princess named candrakala, famous in DvBh. Here the word caru means rightly and dhara means 'supports'. Thus the name means she who rightly supports candrakala.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 242


caruh haso yasyah sa

whose laughter is also beautiful
Her laughter causes the illumination that gives the highest bliss to a sadhaka.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 241


Caru (=sundaram) rupam (lavanyam) yasyah sa
She who is of exquisite beauty

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 240


1) candramandalasya madhyam gacchatti sa
She who rests in the orb of the moon

She is called so because when kundalini rises in the pericarp of the sahasrara, She breaks through the moon's disc.

2) She actually worshipped and meditated upon in the moon's disc in special prayoga to increase the life span.
3) The secret meaning of the moon is sri-cakra itself.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 239

She who is the subject of the holy formula used by Candra in his meditation.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 238

She is so called because Srividya is differentiated into twelve kinds by ardent devotees of the Goddess. These twelve devotees, whose name are associated with worship are Manu, Candra, Kubera, Lopamudra, Manmatha, Agastya, Agni, Surya, Indra, Skanda, Siva and Durvasa.

She is called Manu-Vidya , i.e, mantra used in worship by Manu.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 237

1) Mahadbhih catuh sastiyoginisu (=amsabhutah) ye kotisamkya ka gamah, taih sevita
She who is attended upon by sixty-four crores of great hosts of yoginis.

Catusastikotiyoginigana= the eight divinities beginning with Bramhani. Each has eight saktis (powers) (Aksobhya, etc)which make up the sixty-four yoginis. Each of the sixty-four yoginis has a crore of hosts. Hence these hosts are sixty-four crores in number.

2) Acc. to TanRaj thse are the 64 yoginis of the nine cakras of Lalita (Trilokyamohana, etc). Among these are the prakata, gupta, guptatara, kulottirna, nigharba, rahasya, atirahasya, paraparatirahsya.

The word mahat means nine times multiplied.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 236

1) catuh sastikalah tanmayi (=tatpradhana)
She is endowed with sixty-four kalas (arts)
The word kala means tantra, i.e., the sixty four tantras laid down in various texts

Friday, May 21, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 235

catusastya upacaraih adhya
who is adored by sixty four ingredients.

The sixty-four ingredients are mentioned uin Prklsu. Some tantras describe 72 ingredients

Lalita Sahasranama # 234

mahati ca sasau tripurasundari ca
She who is of excellent beauty and of the nature of the threefold concept - of cognizer, cognition and what is cognized. She is fancied as a three walled city having the same cit as content

Lalita Sahasranama # 233


mahatah kamesasya mahisi (=krtabhishekapatni)
The queen of great Kamesa (Parasiva)
Kamesa = Parasiva who has a great desire for creation, sustenance, and dissolution of the Universe.

Lalita Sahasranama # 232


mahesvarasya mahakalpe yat mahatandavam tasya saksini

The witness of the tremendously violent dance of Mahesvara at the close of the great cycle of creation.

The word Mahakalpa means the great dissolution, i.e., Pralaya
Saksini - She is called the witness because when the whole universe is dissolved into its cause, the self alone remains. Then the cosmic dance begins and there is no other witness except herself.

Lalita Sahasranama # 231


mahabhairavena (=parasivena) pujita
She who is worshipped by Mahabhairava
The word Mahabhairava means the Parasiva. He is called great bhairava because he nourishes (bha-bharana), destroys (ra=ramana)and creates (vamana lit., to vomit). He is the source of all the three actions of the Universe.Hence he is great and the goddess is worshipped by such Mahabhairava. Mahabhairava is otherwise called as Mahasambhu, who invoked the Goddess from the altar fire of cidagni.

Lalita Sahasranama # 230


1) mahayagah sa eva kramah - mahayagakramah, tena aradhya

She who is properly worshipped by the method of mahayaga.

The word mahayaga is a Tantric term. It means the worship of sixty-four yoginis by giving them oblations to them. These sixty -four yoginis are considered to be the part of Brahmi, etc.

Krama = worshipping sixty four yoginis (i.e., in the proper method), as they confer quick results whereas others cause delay.

2) The word mahayaga would also mean the occult meditation, as it is explained in the Bhavanopanishad. The Mahayaga is most secret and it is to be accomplished by sivayogins alone

Lalita Sahasranama # 229


mahad asanam yasyah sa
she whose seat is the highest

She is called so because She dwells in all the tattvas (thirty-six in number) beginning with the earth. So all the tattvas constitute Her great seat.

Lalita Sahasranama # 228


1) mahanti yantrani yasyah sa
Whose yantras are great.

The word yantra refers to the cakras- pajacakra, padmacakras, amrtacakra and merucakra, etc.

2) mahat (=sarvottamam) yantram (=siddhi vajrakhyam) yasyah sa
The word also means siddhivajra cakra which is considered as the best yantra of the goddess.

Lalita Sahasranama # 227


1) Mahantah mantrah yasyah sa
She whose mantras are great.

The word mantra stands for the mantras like Bala, Bagala, Dhumavati and others.

2) The word mantra also refers to the Srividya, i.e., Pancadasaksari

Lalita Sahasranama # 226


Mahanti tantrani yasyah sa
She whose tantras are great. Tantras are called great because they bring many good results.

The word tantra also means the tantra called svatantra which teaches the equivalence of Shiva and Sakti. The svantantra is called so because it is not dependent on any other tantra

Lalita Sahasranama # 225


mahatam yoginam isvarah = mahayogesvarah, tasya isvari= mahayogesvaresvari or mahatam yogesvaranam isvari

She is the Supreme ruler of the great yogis who themselves are kings among great yogis. Hence, she is the supreme ruler.

Lalita Sahasranama # 224


1) Mahati casau siddhisca

She is the highest attainment
When one reaches the goddess, all other attainments become trivial for him as she is the highest attainment.

2) mahan siddhih yasyah (sakasat) iti
She gives attainment to the devotee.
The word siddi means the siddhis like anima, laghima, etc., and others described in Skanda Purana

Lalita Sahasranama # 223


1) Mahati ca asau buddhisca

She is the great intelligence
She is so called because when one knows Her, for him, nothing remains to be known.

2) Mahati buddhih (sakasat) iti
That is, from Her, one gets the highest intelligence

Even an ignorant person becomes a great scholar by her grace.

Lalita Sahasranama # 222

mahanti balani (=gandhadini) yasyah sa
She whose might(power) is great.
Hence her smell, taste, form, army, etc are great.

Lalita Sahasranama # 221

mahanti virayani (=sukradini) yasyah sa
she whose vigor is supreme

The word Virya has many meanings such as semen, might, glory and strength. In the present context, the word means strength or valor to cause effect, i.e., the Universe.

Lalita Sahasranama # 220


mahad aisvaryam (tsvarata) yasyah sa
She whose godliness is great.

The word aisvarya means godliness (rulership) and her power to become many (vibhuti sakti)

Lalita Sahasranama # 219


1) Mahan abhogah (=ksitayadirupovistarah) yasah sa
Whose expanse is very vast.
Abhoga means the great expanse including the entire universe down to the earth

2) mahan bhogah (=sukham) asti asyah
Whose happiness (i.e., Joy) is great

or the word bhoga may mean with wealth (i.e., Dhanam). She is so-called because bhoga, i.e., Her experience gives supreme happiness which cannot be measured.

Lalita Sahasranama # 218

mahati ratih yasyam sa
She who herself has boundless delight.
She is called so because devotees, scholars and sages find more delight in her than in material things.
Or the name may mean the wife of Mahakama.

Lalita Sahasranama # 217


mahati (=vistrta) saktih (=samarthyam) yasyah sa
Who is endowed with great valour. She is called so because she manages the whole universe.

The word sakti may mean weapon. As she possesses the most potent weapons to kill the demons and evils, she is called Mahasaktih.

Lalita Sahasranama # 216


mahanti sattvani yasyah sa
Who is possessed of the highest existence
The word sattva means existence. Hence she has the highest existence or the highest qualities worthy of worship

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 215


mahati casau maya ca

She who causes great delusion or she who is the great delusion herself.

She is called so because she causes delusions for brahmanas and scholars.
or it may mean pride and compassion or grace. So she is full of compassion. (i.e., krpa)

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 214


mahanti patakani nasayati sa

She who destroys great sins.

Mahapatake refers to the slaying of brahmanas, etc., She also removes the evil effect of great sins committed by persons knowingly or unknowingly.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 213


mahati ca sa pujya ca

She is great and worthy of worship

It means that she is worshipped even by gods (lit., great), i.e., Siva and others

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 212


Mahat rupam yasyah sa
She who is of great form

Mahat, the word refers to the supreme form which is beyond the four forms of Pradhana, Purusa, vyakta and kala

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 211


mrdasya (=sivasya) priya

She is the beloved of Mrda, i.e., Siva

The word mrda according to the Dhatupatha (Mrdasukhane), means happiness and the sattvic form of Lord Siva is called Mrda as he showers happiness on the devotees

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 210


mahati ca sa laksmisca
The great lakshmi

Mahalakshmi = the consort of Visnu. She is not different from Visnu. She is called Mahalakshmi as she killed the daitya called Mahala

The word laksmi may mean Parvati to which the honorific maha is prefixed.

A thirteen year old girl is also called Mahalaksmi

Monday, April 26, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 209


1) Mahati ca sa devi ca

Maha great. She has a body which is immeasurable by any measurement

2) mahadevasya (=candramurteh sivasya) iyam (=patni)
She is Mahadeva's wife

Mahadeva is the eight form of Siva, i.e., that of moon

3) Mahadevi means deity at the cakratirtha on the bank of Gandaki

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama #208


mahesvarasyeyam mahesvari

She is the wife of Mahesvara

Mahesvara = attributes Param Siva who is beyond three qualities (i.e., Sattva, Rajas and Tamas). He is called Brahma, Visnu and Rudra Respectively when these qualities are attributed to him. But he is Mahesvara devoid of all qualities

lalita sahasranama # 207


Manonmani rupa ya sa
She has a form like that of Manonmani

Manonmani is a particular place situated at the eighth stage from the center of the two eyebrows and below the brahma-randhra in Sahasrara

2) Or it means a mudra famous in Yogasastra

3) Manamsi unmanyante (=utkrsta jnanayuktanikurute) yaya sa
She who leads the mind to the higher state when the distinction between meditation, meditator and the object of the meditation fades away and the Divine Reality is realized. This is called the Manonmani Stage

lalita Sahasranama # 206


1) Sarvatantrani (=vamakesvaradi) eva rupam (=sariram) yasyah sa

She who is the subject of all tantras

Tantras, the word, refers to the works such as the vamakesvara tantra

2) Sarvatatraih nirupya ya
She who is described in all the tantras

She is attained or she is sought for by means of all the tantra

Sarvamantrasvarupini, sarvayantratmika, and Sarvatantrarupa (names 204,205 & 206) together express the idea of the name no 203, i.e., Sarvamayi. That is why she called Sarvamayi

Lalita Sahasranama # 205


Sarvesam (=ghantargatadinam) yantranam iti sarvayantra, tesam atma (=svarupam) eva atmika= sarvayantratmika

She who is the essence of all the yantras ( i.e., mystic diagrams)

Yantras here stand for ghanta argala, etc.

Lalita Sahasranama # 204


Sarve (=saptakotisamkhayah) mantrah svarupamasyah

Having the form made up of all the mantras

Sarvamantra, the word, includes all the seven crores of mantras

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 203


Sarvam asti asyah

She possesses all forms.

All the tattvas beginning with earth and ending in Siva, are present in her. Also she is endowed with the powers of all the deities (sarvasaktimayi)

The name is attributed because without non separation there cannot be unlimited dominion.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Lalita Sahasranama # 202


Sarvesam isvari
She is the ruler of all

Lalita Sahasranama # 201

1) sadgatih (=svargadimoksantah) pradadati sa

She who leads to the real path
Sadgati, according to this interpretation, means all states beginning from svarga (heaven) to moksa
2) Satah (=brahmanah) gatim (avagatim=jnanam) pradadati sa

She who reveals the knowledge of Brahmin to the Devotee.
Sat means Brahman and gati=avagati = knowledge

satam gatim pradadatiti sa

She who leads to the path of wise men (goal of excellence)
Sat = satam=of wise, gati=goal. As she is the excellent goal. She directs devotees on that path

Lalita Sahasranama 200


Sarvani mangalani Yasyah sa

Who possesses all that which is auspicious

Lalita Sahasranama 199


1) Sarva saktayah santi asyah
She has all deities in herself

The name means that She is not separated from the saktis like Bala, Bagala, etc.

2) sarvadevasaktisamuharupini

She possess powers of all the gods and deities

3) Sarva also means infinite