Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Lalita Sahasranama # 15


astamyam yascandrah tadvat bibhrajata alikasthalena sobita

Her forehead is as bright as the moon the eight day.

Life throws many situations at us and till now life has been rather chaotic and looks like things are coming around...the brightness of the moon on the eight day like described above is slowly starting to shine in my life as well!

I do NOT doubt that I have been destined for the best that my karma can afford....I also know that I have her, the big mama, looking out for me at all times with a smile on her face ...and she knows the game of hide and seek rather well....I have sought her and am at her feet ...she just needs to acknowledge and make sure that she accepts my surrender and sets me free forever!

In Lalita.

1 comment:

  1. This Ssanskrit comment,-

    astamyam yascandrah tadvat bibhrajata alikasthalena sobita -

    is it available in devangari somewhere ? Is there a complete splitting of the compounds in the mentioned book from joshi ?

    Thank You !
