Saturday, December 19, 2009

Lalita Sahasranama # 80


karangulinam nakkesu uttpannah narayanasya dasakrtayah yasyah sa

From the nails of Her 10 fingers sprang the ten forms of Narayana or dasakrytah = Ten Incarnations of Visnu, Viz., Matsya, Kurma, Varaha, etc.

The daityas came into existence from the missile called sarvasurastra, which was used by Bhandasura. The daityas produced were Somaka, Ravana, Bali, Hriranyaksa and others who fought several battles. In order to destroy these daityas the Goddess created the ten incarnations of Visnu ( Matsya, Kurma, Varaha, Narasimha, Vamana, Bhargava, Rama, Balarama, Krisna, Kalki) from her finger tips - from her right thumb to her left small finger.

2) Dasakrtih may also be taken to mean the five states (i.e., dasa) of jiva (soul) and krtih= the five functions of Isvara. The five states of Jiva are waking (Jagrat) Swapna(dreaming) etc and the five functions of Isvara are creation, preservation etc.

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